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Offtopic: But what is that game? It doesn't seem like CS:S sorry from my retardness.


it's CS:S chat in console.

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Yeah console dims the screen to a gray and then that text appears. Thats true Sprinks, but i was just trying to say that people rage a lil sometimes. I do it a lot too

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Of course I'm against you, you broke the rules. what? do you expect me to

be for you because you broke them? what is wrong with you?


if our opinion doesn't count because we don't like you for your actions,

then why should any else's opinion count because they do like you? Samantha is right.

that logic is terrible. and besides, I have even MORE proof.




you find "your mom jokes" funny? those were funny when I was

in fifth and six grade.. which is pretty immature considering you're

not a fifth grader. so therefore you have no right to

tell me how Immature I'm being. and on top of that, I no where said

he should banned, at all. Go ahead and read over my posts.

and if you haven't noticed Selby, this a Member Abuse thread.

not a Ban Request. Although I do believe he should be punished

by more then just getting kicked out of [xG].


I screen capped this today, so.. he has fixed his problems?

because I strongly disagree.


I did not call you immature but if your going to act this way about the location on a forum, then i guess you are. Youre being immature just for bringing that up, because it really doesnt matter. And yes, saying youll leave is basically something a kid would say when they raged and didnt get their way. And you basically want him banned so dont try and say "oh i just want him kicked out of xG". Anyways I really dont care anymore its not worth my time to argue this point so im no longer commenting on this as it is pointless and doesnt affect me.

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I did not call you immature but if your going to act this way about the location on a forum, then i guess you are. Youre being immature just for bringing that up, because it really doesnt matter. And yes, saying youll leave is basically something a kid would say when they raged and didnt get their way. And you basically want him banned so dont try and say "oh i just want him kicked out of xG". Anyways I really dont care anymore its not worth my time to argue this point so im no longer commenting on this as it is pointless and doesnt affect me.


by saying "don't be a kid." you were saying I was being immature, just not directly. I just don't think someone with a very childish joke in their Location (or any where else on their profile for that fact) has any right to tell me that. and I said I will leave if Johnny does not get punished when I have literally everything needed for a reason to kicked out of [xG] and enough to be banned,. and that is all I want, even though he should be banned, i will not leave if he doesn't get banned. and this goes for anyone who breaks the rules, they should be punished. I don't know why you disagree with rule breakers being punished.

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okay guys just stop with it. let silence or whoever make a verdict, and I personally don't think he should be removed from the clan at this moment, it's not my or your decision so lets all just wait for this to play out.

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