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New Jailbreak Map

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I wouldn't mind seeing a intricate race, where it's sort of starts off like a big hall way, then has like a little maze, perhaps some climb in it. Just all built into a race, and if they fall off some platforms into a water they die of course to thin out the herd. And you could have a podium.

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I would very much enjoy if you could put a surf thing in there like on jb_avalanche and a like jeoporady thing except with an actual board with questions that are different if thats possible :)

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ya the jeapordy thing is possible but people would eventually figure all the questions out from playing it over and over and then it would become obsolete. So idk about that. Dont worry about the rebelling part I made it very possible to control ts if you have good cts, but there are also vents and other secrets to help ts out to. As for the race, I already have one called bombs and hostages. 2 teams of ts enter the 2 separate races and one team has to finish the race and kill all the hostages before the other team finishes their race and blows thier objective up. The team who wins gets teleported out while the other team gets killed.

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