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[xG:DJ]Towlie The Wizard

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KK so here is why I was banned. And I think this should also be admin abuse. I was freekilled by Kenny in Scrim and billy never banned him from scrim at all. And he did it on purpose. After that like 4 rounds later Minecrack Freekills me on purpose. So he didnt get banned either. So when I freekilled Minecrack to get payback then I get banned. Why wasnt anything done to Kenny and Minecrack. That is favoritism and admin abuse at the same time. Billy was their and bees. So why the fuck was I banned when They werent banned to.

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So basically He admmits to the fact that he teamkilled me DURING A SCRIM and RPG didnt do anything. Not Even BILLYMAYS. Thats a shocker. Not even a Co-Owner Did his job. I want Silence opinion in this and Links and lets see what should be done. I dont care if its a hour because This right here should be dealt with cause a ADMIN ABUSED POWERS AND A CO-OWNER DIDNT EVEN DO HIS JOB. SO @@silence AND LINK BETTER GET IN HERE AND REPLY TO THIS.

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I want @@silence and @link in here Because I just got banned from ts3 for saying that the co-owner has not yet done their jobs. I even proved a point that I was teamkilled twice and @RpgS did not do his job and ban them when I said that they should be banned. So why was I banned. So I want @@silence and @link to get in here and respond to this. I should not be ban from ts3 and I should of never been banned from cs:s scrim. So reply to this and I want something done to the 2 team killers and rpg for unreasonable ban.

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It's funny that you say all this and don't even tell everything that happened. I said "Next person that teamkills someone is going to get banned." You completely ignore this and right after the 15 second timer you kill Minecrack. I banned you for an hour. That's such a small time and the funny thing the ban is up by now. Next time listen because I don't make empty threats.

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ur ridiculous, u called me a dumbass for not "doing my job" at which point i banned u from ts3. as for scrim, i told u more times than there are fat people in the us that rpgs gave a general warning to not teamkill because it was starting to become a problem, u then went on to teamkill minecrack knowing about the warning by rpgs, u were banned as a result, u talked to me about it, the same shit was said back and forth for a while, and u said something about having the right to teamkill in return which is retarded, long story short, there was no abuse and silence doesnt deal with clan issues, only server issues, and co leaders can override silence on clan issues. i even told u myself that u were 2 seconds away from getting banned from ts for saying that i was kissing rpgs's ass


not getting unbanned, deal with it


-sealed away in the last great time war

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