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I mean like I don't wanna make it a big deal but think about it, if somebody teamkilled you when you were doing very bad in a scrim then wouldn't you be mad? I'm sure that most of you would want revenge lol


I know it was 1 hour but still, even if it was a kick, wouldn't you be mad if you were in Towlie's shoes? But I don't know the whole story and I don't feel like reading Minecrack's wall of text

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I'd like to take a moment and say that you guys are arguing about a virtual war game, in which you were killing each other, but not really.


None of it was real, its a video game.


Let's put our big boy pants on and put the past in the past, because honestly, it was a 1 hour ban. Get over it.

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I mean like I don't wanna make it a big deal but think about it, if somebody teamkilled you when you were doing very bad in a scrim then wouldn't you be mad? I'm sure that most of you would want revenge lol


I know it was 1 hour but still, even if it was a kick, wouldn't you be mad if you were in Towlie's shoes? But I don't know the whole story and I don't feel like reading Minecrack's wall of text


If I was doing bad in a scrim, oh well. I'm not going to get deliberately team killed, it would obviously be a joke ( don't imply situations, hasn't happened to me yet ). Team killing doesn't benefit me, they lose their money so it's a win enough for me. That's just my POV.

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Is this a joke? Reading this thread genuinely made me somewhat angry.


Both of you guys were at fault and provoked each other and minecrack did end up team killing you. It's understandable that you might want to team kill him back - but after Rpgs clearly said that he's gonna ban the next person who does it I think you should have thought to yourself: "hm - is getting revenge worth getting banned over?" If no then good be done with it. If yes then so be it, at least deal with the consequences. You were fairly warned even if you feel you were wrong.


Too lazy to quote zzz " So why should I get banned for stunts that Minecrack and kenny did also." You didn't get banned for what they did it was solely your decision to disregard what Rpgs said. Regardless of what you thinking to get revenge, you were warned fairly. If anybody else teamkilled they would have been banned all the same. Maybe minecrack should have been punished for the teamkill too, but it's not like there wasn't an attempt to stop the freekilling. There was and you disregarded it and when people decided to hold up to their word you go and bitch about it on the forums. It's the cold truth.

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Is this a joke? Reading this thread genuinely made me somewhat angry.


Both of you guys were at fault and provoked each other and minecrack did end up team killing you. It's understandable that you might want to team kill him back - but after Rpgs clearly said that he's gonna ban the next person who does it I think you should have thought to yourself: "hm - is getting revenge worth getting banned over?" If no then good be done with it. If yes then so be it, at least deal with the consequences. You were fairly warned even if you feel you were wrong.


Too lazy to quote zzz " So why should I get banned for stunts that Minecrack and kenny did also." You didn't get banned for what they did it was solely your decision to disregard what Rpgs said. Regardless of what you thinking to get revenge, you were warned fairly. If anybody else teamkilled they would have been banned all the same. Maybe minecrack should have been punished for the teamkill too, but it's not like there wasn't an attempt to stop the freekilling. There was and you disregarded it and when people decided to hold up to their word you go and bitch about it on the forums. It's the cold truth.

Cold truth is, it was the others provoking him. I would enjoy being left out of this being as towlie has the need to lie, it's not my fault he cose to harass me. He got what he deserved.

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But the point is not that he teamkilled, it's that he was warned directly by rpgs not to do anything and he purposely disobeyed him.


Its not about teamkilling. It's about not listening.


agreed. even though im not fully aware of the case, if RpgS did indeed say, stop teamkillling or you get banned, or whatever similar to that, and Towlie did indeed contiinue to teamkill...well there is a problem that was solved with a ban.

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Ok I get it now, I didn't know RPGS asked him to stop


Did you not read the fourth post?


the warning should have been said after the first tk.


No not really since the "rule" is to only ban someone if they want the teamkiller to be banned. Towelie nor anyone else requested anyone to be banned. RpgS was laying down the law and Towelie clearly disobeyed, don't know how it isn't getting through to everyone.


Towelie might not think it's fair but it could've been anyone else on the team, if he can't do the time then he shouldn't do the crime.


Not trying to seem like an asshole just trying to clear things up.

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I did for your information but you guys barely listen to me so you guys need to unclog your ears and actually listen. So you should of done your job and you didnt so thats a failure on your part. on both you and rpgs fault but you wont admit to the mistake.

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I did for your information but you guys barely listen to me so you guys need to unclog your ears and actually listen. So you should of done your job and you didnt so thats a failure on your part. on both you and rpgs fault but you wont admit to the mistake.


Towlie you need to stop telling everybody to do their job


@@BillyMays uhhhhhh I just saw it now lol

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I did for your information but you guys barely listen to me so you guys need to unclog your ears and actually listen. So you should of done your job and you didnt so thats a failure on your part. on both you and rpgs fault but you wont admit to the mistake.


You might think I'm out to get you and it's cool if you think that because we're done talking about this after this post. But I do hope you grow up from overreacting like an 8 year old. If I messed up I think I would admit it man, no one is perfect. But RpgS and I agree that banning you was the right thing to do, we didn't want to do it, and RpgS is a bright dude. So I hope you get over this and drop your little grudges and move on and shine and become the best little scrimmer ever.


Gonna close this since Tozu's question has been answered.



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