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xG Additional WarZ Div

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I have been working on getting the clan in WarZ up and running, but have run into some problems. In the newest update, my main character got killed and was then deleted from my character list. This only happens if your character is created "hardcore more" which deletes your character if they die which causes them to lose all skill, xp, money, etc. My character was not in this mode and the deletion most likely resulted from a hacker on the server. There was a player on who was killing many players and saying "I hope you like staying dead". After around 5 players had died in around 20 minutes, I was logging off and then got killed by the hacker. I was recording the game and have sent it to the administrators at WarZ to deal with it.


The Good news is, I didnt really have any good items on him at the time so no harm done. I just recreated the character, same name and all.


Bad News is, because the character was deleted, his play time was reset as I had do re make the character. And now the Xeno Gamers clan is just sitting with no one in it or controlling it. Ive also sent a message to WarZ about this aswell for them to hopefully delete the clan so I can make a new one. I dont know how long this will take, but hopefully it will be done soon.


Second bad news is, I have to play 20 hours on my new character before I can make another clan.


So, I would like to propose something. I would like to add a co-div leader for WarZ. One who can create a second WarZ xenogamers clan.


The reason why I am proposing this is because a WarZ clan only allows 40 players to be in a clan at once. So having a second div would be good for it. I can recreate the Warz clan that has only xG members in it and the other Div can recruit players in game to be in that one. Also it the additional div can be there incase any BS like this occurs again. I will also be setting up our WarZ server(s) in the close future.


So basically my work will be to run our server(s), run the clan with our xG members in it, and admining on our server(s).


The other Div leader would be running the clan with WarZ xG members in it, ones that would primarily be populating our server(s), as well as admining on our server(s).


The other Div leader would have to be more active than myself due to dealing with more players within the WarZ game clan.


If we have two division leaders for WarZ we would have 80 slots open for people rather than 40. Plus thats 80 players with in the xenogamers clan description advertising our website and game servers!


If it's ok with @@silence @Link_ of course.


(I put this thread in general so more people could be aware of this)



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So silence has given me the green light to get an additional div for WarZ. If anyone is intrested either, post below, pm me, or add me on steam.

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