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Actually, more like mod abuse.

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CornHippo doesn't do his job very well (with the fact being that he's a paid moderator as a given) and should not continue his job as a moderator. I see him all the time but he's no better than a paid admin. @A15nova is a good admin, as an example, and does his job very well. He actually does his job better than any mod I've seen, besides @@SwizZ and @Ebic... In comparison to CornHippo, CornHippo does not even come close. He does not use his powers when people people are disobeying rules.


Why did serbiansnaga allow PA's/PM's in the first place. -__-

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-1, Cornhippo is a new paid mod and we're helping him understand the rules properly, There is no proof anyways, if you can get proof then the higher ups can take action. I'm always helping CornHippo to learn how to mod and he'll get better eventually as well as the other mods that play on CS:GO.


Please close this.

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You've provided no proof to your claim. If you feel this mod abuses, please record them in-game using the record command and take in-game screenshots. Once you have substantial proof come back and make a thread.



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