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TF2 Being Fucking Amazing

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Basically TF2 had teamed up with Adult swim in the past, but not like this. Before it was only this little shitty robot chicken hat. NOW YOU CAN BE BROCK SAMPSON FROM VENTURE BROS.


Also the holiday update is here, but w/e. Along with some Japanese BS involving more robots.


Dont commit sudoku, go play some tf2!

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TF2 is not a company, it is a game produced by a company. thus as a game produced by a company rather than a company itself it cannot actually "team up with" another show (not a company either) that is produced by a different company. instead the company that produces the game TF2 (Valve) can team up with the company that produces the shows/airing and network behind Adult Swim, more specifically Robot Chicken and Venture Bros. specifically for their game TF2 and exclusively (at the moment) TF2.


thus it is literally impossible for TF2 to team up with Adult Swim as neither of those are physical companies.

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Oh so I guess they arnt people then huh @@Chrono. If corporations are people, and you are saying they arnt corporations, you are saying they arnt people. Well screw you, you racist mofo. Discriminating against corporations, you sicken me sir. I advise you take a long look in your mirror and I hope you realize you are a horrible person.

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