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Just told everyone he was a members and had tags on in game.


Also does not a firm understanding of the rules and has been slayed a few times for baiting, freekilling, etc.

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-1 added tag the second he he submitted than lied to me when i asked if he was a member. hasnt made a very good impression when he is ct aswell, but i will change it if he improves genuinely

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noonono. If this is the same Mr. Enclave I played with today in the morning then seriously - no. I had to gag him and kick him for multiple disrespects. He is incredibly difficult to talk to and seems to strike out at most people. -1

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A: 7

M: ?

Spams like crazy, is warned a couple times a day.

Gagged a couple times a day.

Banned quite a few times.

Gotta stop getting banned and spamming.

D: -1

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