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Well I was just trying to say hello and sorry to everybody in xG that are mad at me and everybody just became a huge jerk to me. I was going to do the giveaway on friday cause thats when I get my paycheck but since all the rude disrespect I have been getting here is just out of control I am not going to do it and I am giving a game to ducki jr so for all the people that were nice and stuff thx but ducki jr was always their when I was being ganged on and I feel like I need to repay him back. You guys that post ugly comments are jerks and idk why anything hasnt been done about this cause I did not even feel like that was mature. None of the co-owners did anything about it even though one of the rules is to not disrespect members/non-members and you guys just broke that rule. So for that you all should have been dealt with and that is just rude. So Ducki JR gets the prize and you all who just became rude well good luck on your behavior problems cause you need to fix them.

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And I am TRYING to say this with UPMOST respect.



You act like a child with the whole

"Everyone left because of me. I'll join back for admin"

"Anti-xg is the best"

"IF (Thats a key word) I get accepted i'll disband the group"


Why do you NOT understand this?!?!?!??!?!

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WE is not Everybody cause alot of my friends THAT ARE IN xG want me back. So you can not say we so stop with the disrespecting.

And besides you Troll/Disrespect and have broken rules so I do not know why ANY CO-OWNER has not done anything about it yet.

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I didn't say anything on your Hello thread, but now I feel like I want to say a few things here.


First of all, I don't really know you or your history, so do understand that I'm only going off of what I've seen in the past few weeks.


During these past few weeks I have seen you lie to the clan, create a Steam group aligned against the clan, post multiple threads everywhere just to be heard, and create a troll account on the forums to try to apply for the clan. You have disrespected this whole clan, it's odd that you somehow feel you deserve our respect.


You have to give some level of respect to get it, and you have to earn peoples trust. Thus far all I've seen from you is lies and disrespect.


I'm glad you enjoy the community and playing on our servers, so please try to enjoy yourself. I'm typically not one to call names so I won't do that here, but you've made a very bad impression on me as to who you really are.


Based on that understanding I've drawn for myself, I personally believe this game give away you had planned for Friday is either A- a way to buy friends, or B- it was never going to happen, and now you're trying to use it to guilt trip the people who bad mouthed you. As far as buying Ducki Jr a game, I think that fits into the buying friends category.


I'm sorry but you're really not building a good image for yourself.

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Well I was just trying to say hello and sorry to everybody in xG that are mad at me and everybody just became a huge jerk to me.


Um, Seriously?


You posted this, not only to gloat that you gave it to Duckii Jr, but then tell the others tough nuts? You basically called out the entire clan, by saying "you all who just became rude" and so on. If you're telling us to fix our behavior problems, then pull stunts, we don't want you. Posting only to be a monumental assclown is a waste of bandwidth.


One more time, and it's a forum-ban. We don't negotiate with assclowns.

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