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CS:GO Jailbreak server perma-banned?

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Took time to read this thread. Get ready for my long ass reply on an iPad, oh boy.

@serbianbelavuk @@serbiansnaga


I think the cs:go staff should be put under review. If I'm not mistaking CSS and CSGO run under the same mood. Recently nova had game to play CSS. I guess it would have been pleasant to meet the division manager of CSGO. Next thing I know, all CTs are muted and nova is spamming all chat in a fit of rage about free kills I believe. Two to three words at a time, pleasant right? Me and unit then had to explain that jumping was restricted, so that if Ts jumped onto couch game they were a rebel, and had no chance. So after that fiasco of frees lays and spam by nova, he then came straight back to come back his case that Ts should be given 5 seconds to comply with orders.

First off I'd like to rule that out of that certain situation by saying that jumping was restricted before couch game, a repeat was stated to justify a few kills. Now, I don't even think that rule is in motd if anything it's for the guncheck at the beginning of each round. And two seconds to comply with mic restrictions. Nova then stated that's how it's done in cs:go.


Alright after our nice little introduction for nova, other staff such as swizz (banned for hacking in CSS), and arthman who has made several DDoS threats and has a shit face attitude most of the time. It's clear the CSGO division has been having problems, now even before the sm plugin broke, it's usually in some state of chaos. I'm going off of experienced being one of the original moderators during beta and first release. Then of course check ups and obviously abuse reports. Something just isn't right here. In forcemeat in motd should be implied and maybe some inspection.


Now I understand that's a bit off topic. Point of this thread is a perm ban protest. Mayhem was apparently banned for mass free killing, gun planting, and spamming. Now from what I've read since I read most of the thread mayhem joined into the chaos. Was he taking advantage of sm being broke? He'll yes he was dropping guns for Ts to use, possible spam which I think he indicated he didn't do. I'll go by his word since nova acts without thinking, and possibly a mass free kill, which he may have done. Now obviously it's clear the server should be shut down but for the sake of the population it's still up.


Yes, I myself would perm CT ban in the event he did mass free kill, gun planting would be a week ct ban, mic spamming is a mute and or a one day ct ban depending on the ever changing variables of rule breaking. The sm plugin being broke which means no team ban, just good ol server bans. So mayhem got banned for apparently mass fk, gun planting, and spamming. Not only that but it was permanent from the server.


Are you kidding me? I mean the server must've been looney without sm and Ts without knives. You should give ample warnings with maybe a bind and given shorter bans depending on the situation. Since he's a regular joining in the chaos, I would've banned for a week. Perm is ridiculous, if sm gets updated and team bans are fixed, take his week away and give him a perm ct ban with the chance to appeal in two weeks or so. Being as I'm not a higher up my say doesn't really matter. We can wait for serbianbelafuck.


Anyways, regarding what you're saying "Nova acts without thinking", I don't know who you are and what you do, if he admit to mass free killing and gun planting, why should he be un banned? Obviously i'm not an idiot. Your idiosyncrasy of me is very well off, I believe you're under the assumption that i'm a child and can't differ from what is right and wrong so you're stipulating on what I do and how I act upon what I do. Let me clarify this, if I witness players breaking rules, I'm going to be a dick and take action. I got Serbian to inform Silence to turn off the server because of the shit that was going on. Let me just add this, the little ordeal you boasted about, Serbian and Neo already approached me and we already resolved that discussion, if possible show logs and i'll talk back. Now, you don't play CS:GO, CS:GO Isn't as relaxed as CSS, get that straight, our division is a lot more strict, If you saw what happened, then you would take action like I would too. He isn't the only player I permanently banned, I have still have a lot to do along with TChief, we have done ample bans yet it's not all. Stop acting so sentimental and directing your animosity you have towards me and questioning how I do my job. I don't ask you, you don't ask me. You're making it sound that CS:GO is debilitating enough as it is and you want to add fuel to the fire. If you want, scroll up and read Chronos post, he's our Div leader, complain to him about this "Unfair ban" and I'll let him have the final say. Granted there are a lot of players we couldn't witness breaking the rules and if we did I would take action as well as the rest of our staff, but I'm not going to sit here and give leeway on one specific individual regardless if he is a regular or not. If you're still not satisfied, you can talk to me in Teamspeak along with Chrono along with anyone else you'd wish to invite. In your previous posts, you stated you personally do "wee bans", we don't. CS:GO is a growing community and our Division is working on the tweaks that it has, we don't have over 20+ mods like CSS. I don't care if he was helping "Ts", they shouldn't be breaking rules in the first place, why does his stature or placement be valued more in lieu of another player doing the same thing? If they KNEW the servers were a shit hole, he could have kept up to date on the forums or got on team speak as I kept giving updates to all the players who were asking INSTEAD of breaking rules. I'm not biased, so minecrack, since you say I "acts without thinking", I can start being colloquial if that puts you at ease instead of conversing through formal discourse.


@Serbian @@Neo @@Chrono


I'll leave the final say to you guys.

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First of all I did not admit to mass freekilling, I admit to gun planting and "freekilling" 1 T in his cell who was AFK anyways and the others I killed because they either had guns in their hands or were attacking. The only reason I did these things was because the server was haywire and I'm flabbergasted how under these special circumstances it's almost totally being ignored. Like I went into the server during prime time and purposefully just unloaded on a stack of Ts and left or something. Nobody said anything to me and nobody complained. You have no proof of me mass killing because I didn't. Second you say you don't do "wee bans" that's bullshit too, I've read a handful of the recent ban protests and here are some examples:



You witnessed this player freekill 3 Ts, this is highly more offensive and rule breaking then my actions and you gave him a one day ban, your quote: "First of all, I banned you when you were a CT, You free killed 3 players. It's only for a day."

One day ban seems fair, yet I'm permanently banned from the entire server forever?


This is from the same thread and I'm quoting Chrono the Div leader you speak of:

"If you had proof you did not do any of this such it would be helpful, however as killing 3 would be considered mass freekill which is a (css) perm ct ban and (csgo) week server ban and month ct ban, seems like you may have got off easy."


So what I did according to the Div leader leads to a maximum punishment of a week server ban and month CT ban which by the way, I NEVER COMMITED THESE ACTS IN THE FIRST PLACE AND I DO NOT ADMIT TO MASS FREE KILLING. This is "fair" in your eyes? Why does one player get a one day ban and another permanent server life ban for the same acts?



This guy made a special day in his honor and I quote "Make a LQ Days (LQ day is simple: Cells open, all CT freekill everyones)"

I saw this guy the day servers went to hell and I don't even wanna list all the shit he did, anyways irrelevant. You guys gave this guy CT ban as well. He created a fucking day in the honor of his name to give CTs permission to freekill everyone in their cells and this is what you had to say and I quote:

"I know some people may say he hasn't changed, but I want the most active players and opinions on others about this, if we should appeal his ban or not. Its a collective response and not based on 1 single player."

"I want everyone to look at the bigger picture and to see if you think he has changed for the better or if he should be given a chance"


So he gets a chance and not me? This guy was only CT banned for an offense far greater then mine and I'm permanently banned from playing in the server entirely not only CT but T too forever?



This guy mass freekilled with helicopter because he didn't know how to fly it and was only perm CT banned as well, which by the way got lifted.


This is only on the front page of ban protests, I ask again why am I banned from playing in the server entirely and all these guys get is a CT ban? As stated in a previous post I could care less about being CT banned I never play CT anyways, but I enjoy playing jailbreak and as a T. It's in essence the only reason I bought this damn game in the first place. I hope I've made my point...

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"why does his stature or placement be valued more in lieu of another player doing the same thing? If they KNEW the servers were a shit hole, he could have kept up to date on the forums or got on team speak as I kept giving updates to all the players who were asking INSTEAD of breaking rules."


I might ask you the same thing Nova, it seems like I'm the only one that got a punishment this hard and you say you banned a bunch of "others" funny because I haven't seen one of them come forth like me because none of them probably play in the server anyway.


What I KNEW? Have you read a single post I made in this thread? EVERYTHING that occurred was within 10 minutes of me updating CS:GO and joining the server, it all happened within the first 5 rounds I had NO IDEA what the fuck was going on. If I'm being harsh it's because you are blatantly being a prick to me when during this whole month I haven't done shit to you, Why are you so negative towards me anyway? I don't get it.

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Lquid is permanently banned he was banned for 2 months after the 2nd request he was unbanned, I decided to help players out that asked me, Opie waited 3 months to get unbanned. I don't know why you dont get what im saying? I was spectating players and you happened to be one of them.


What I KNEW? Have you read a single post I made in this thread? EVERYTHING that occurred was within 10 minutes of me updating CS:GO and joining the server, it all happened within the first 5 rounds I had NO IDEA what the fuck was going on. If I'm being harsh it's because you are blatantly being a prick to me when during this whole month I haven't done shit to you, Why are you so negative towards me anyway? I don't get it


You must be misunderstood, I don't hate you, nor do I have any animosity towards you. Admins and ups are suppose to be unbiased, like I said, you're not the only person I permanently banned so I don't have any grudges, i'm just following on what i believe is right. Everything occurred in 10 minutes but you couldn't ask anyone of whats happening?

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Took time to read this thread. Get ready for my long ass reply on an iPad, oh boy.

@serbianbelavuk @@serbiansnaga


I think the cs:go staff should be put under review. If I'm not mistaking CSS and CSGO run under the same mood. Recently nova had game to play CSS. I guess it would have been pleasant to meet the division manager of CSGO. Next thing I know, all CTs are muted and nova is spamming all chat in a fit of rage about free kills I believe. Two to three words at a time, pleasant right? Me and unit then had to explain that jumping was restricted, so that if Ts jumped onto couch game they were a rebel, and had no chance. So after that fiasco of frees lays and spam by nova, he then came straight back to come back his case that Ts should be given 5 seconds to comply with orders.

First off I'd like to rule that out of that certain situation by saying that jumping was restricted before couch game, a repeat was stated to justify a few kills. Now, I don't even think that rule is in motd if anything it's for the guncheck at the beginning of each round. And two seconds to comply with mic restrictions. Nova then stated that's how it's done in cs:go.


Alright after our nice little introduction for nova, other staff such as swizz (banned for hacking in CSS), and arthman who has made several DDoS threats and has a shit face attitude most of the time. It's clear the CSGO division has been having problems, now even before the sm plugin broke, it's usually in some state of chaos. I'm going off of experienced being one of the original moderators during beta and first release. Then of course check ups and obviously abuse reports. Something just isn't right here. In forcemeat in motd should be implied and maybe some inspection.


Now I understand that's a bit off topic. Point of this thread is a perm ban protest. Mayhem was apparently banned for mass free killing, gun planting, and spamming. Now from what I've read since I read most of the thread mayhem joined into the chaos. Was he taking advantage of sm being broke? He'll yes he was dropping guns for Ts to use, possible spam which I think he indicated he didn't do. I'll go by his word since nova acts without thinking, and possibly a mass free kill, which he may have done. Now obviously it's clear the server should be shut down but for the sake of the population it's still up.


Yes, I myself would perm CT ban in the event he did mass free kill, gun planting would be a week ct ban, mic spamming is a mute and or a one day ct ban depending on the ever changing variables of rule breaking. The sm plugin being broke which means no team ban, just good ol server bans. So mayhem got banned for apparently mass fk, gun planting, and spamming. Not only that but it was permanent from the server.


Are you kidding me? I mean the server must've been looney without sm and Ts without knives. You should give ample warnings with maybe a bind and given shorter bans depending on the situation. Since he's a regular joining in the chaos, I would've banned for a week. Perm is ridiculous, if sm gets updated and team bans are fixed, take his week away and give him a perm ct ban with the chance to appeal in two weeks or so. Being as I'm not a higher up my say doesn't really matter. We can wait for serbianbelafuck.


1. You have never been in the CS:GO server and nobody knows you.

2. Swizz was a good mod, yet made a mistake. CSS has had hackers as well.

3. I wouldn't even consider Arthman as part of the CS:GO community.

4. You aren't qualified to make frivolous claims about the state of the CS:GO staff or server when you aren't even apart of it.

5. You were one of the first moderators? If you were, you would have known that the server was completely understaffed and worst than it is now.


-1 Ban time fits the crime. Rules are rules, you did it in front of a mod, and you even admitted it.

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As I have stated to others who have asked.


Rules are rules, and as such they must be followed.


Now, as such. Yes this offense would be a PERMANENT CT BAN however, CT Bans are disabled due to issues with it. and as such the punishment for breaking rules differs from the standard. and it varies based on the severity of your crime. Now, based on what Nova, a Division Manager states he saw in the server he is Division Manager for. That would justify a permanent ban, and you do admit to doing said rulebreaking, so at the time, taking into consideration how you said that others were unbanned, yes. they were unbanned after waiting several weeks (more than 5) and as such time came to a point where it isn't something we need to be as harsh on them about since time had passed since the incidents.


As stated prior, Rules are Rules, and must be followed. whether there are staff who may act on the spot, or cannot due to server issues, you need to respect the rules and follow them instead of joining in on the chaos. There were VERY many bans that took place due to what was happening in the servers.


"If you can't do the time, don't do the time."


IF CT Bans are to be re-enabled I will unban you, and change it to a permanent CT Ban instead as that would be the normal bans.


Closing this because Minecrack is starting up a shitstorm, so the only ones who should even post after my own would be @@serbiansnaga @@Neo and @Brian

(although this will probably be talked about outside of the thread.)

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You make a compelling argument for your un-ban request. Granted we do have a case of he-said she-said, I trust the decisions of the moderators we have put in power, especially staff of a higher caliber.


With this being said. As soon as CT bans are fixed and/or re-implemented I will un-ban you from the server, and then give you a perm CT ban for free!

Don't ask how long this will take, I have to talk to other people and get the ball rolling for things to change. Won't take long though.


Best of luck, and hopefully we'll have you back rebelling as soon as possible!

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