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Ban reduction

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well i threw a grenade that i thought was i thought flash bang since i just came from playing CSS and turn out to be a fire grenade. it killed 2-3 people. i killed my self right after that then the server crashed. i rejoined and slayed myself immediately upon arrival and said i would slay myself 4 more times and apologized . i than get notified by charrax that i have a permaban request waiting and explained that mistake with the flashbang and rdmed 2 people and said im willing to slay my self 4 more times and i extend my apologies. he said "apologies mean shit" and i thot ban was the only option than.


i found the perma ban unfair because i slayed my self twice already and willing to be slayed more and i would understand a 1 day- 1 week ban since earlier that day a guy named "that one dude" purposely rdmed 6+ people and was only banned a week by the same mod, Dr.pepper phreak, that requested my perma ban.


thank you for your time sorry it was a long read.


up to your judgement to decide and ill respect your decision.

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As an admin on gmod, I just want to explain that due to our relatively low amount of admins charrax has instructed us to take higher action on many things. While it may seem a bit cruel it gets the job done. However, the fact that you did make a thought out protest makes me think that it really was an accident. I want to hear what Phreak has to say on the matter, but until he comments on this thread I +1 for a reduction or removal of ban.

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Since you got little +1s you are reduced to 4 days.


You still mass rdmed.


Regardless of Flash or Incend, being a detective you had no reason to throw any grenade at a group of people.

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