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@@CornHippo, its the internet it wouldn't bother me, some of our regulars even made a steam group called Line is a fag. doesn't bother me one bit.

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The internet isn't a toy, or some mindless entertaining tool used to temporarily satiate your life. In most cases, it depends entirely on the situation of which you afflict yourself such as revealing personal information with examples like expressing explicit pictures with permanent and drastic or long-term consequences. Considering the significant range and versatility of the internet, it is overwhelmingly powerful and frightening and possesses a notable contingent of skilled personnel able to track and verify your profile. Just be careful, don't be foolhardy, and always be mindful and aware of the possibilities of associating yourself with the internet.



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I PM'ed him this:


I don't know what your problem is but I guess you still have beef with me after so long. It was about ONE game in jailbreak. I'm not interfering with your life. You have two options here:


1. Stop being an asshole and do not talk to me or mention me ever again. Simply put, leave me alone. I will never talk to you ever again or mention you ever again. Hence, I will leave you alone.

2. Continue to be an asshole and live the rest of your life with hate and resentment always in your mind about one guy who upset you in ONE game about something stupid which I have already apologized about. I can and will also have nova and/or serbian ban you if you persist.


You should already know how immature you are ESPECIALLY at your age. Grow the fuck up. I don't care about you or your stupid comments. if you can't get over the fact that I pissed you off in one game of jailbreak, then fine with me. You can do that for however long you want as long as you leave me the hell alone. if you can't understand that either, then I don't know what else to say to you. you can make so much better out of your life and make yourself happy in thousands of ways other than hating or holding a damn grudge against me. You didn't have to read this message by the way even though I'm CLEARLY helping you with some psychological issue. I don't know what else to say. If you still have problems, try therapy? Good luck and God Bless.


and got this in reply:


fuck off retard i don't want to hear from you.

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Both of you leave each other alone. just ignore each other and you won't have problems with eachother. if one messages the other DO NOT RESPOND and just message me with the proof, and I will deal with it. but don't message each other unless you can settle your differences. If I have to, I will take action on both of you.

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My personal input is that you shouldn't have let this blow up so much. It seems to me that NomDe is in the wrong, but still. You blew this up pretty big and it's attracted a lot of unnecessary attention for a small problem. There's always gonna be assholes online, you can't post something for everyone. I mean, I realize this is a completely different comparison, but just the other week I got teled by a hacker in dayz and instantly killed. He didn't need my gear, he could just spawn it in. He did it so that he could feel good about himself making other people suffer. Same situation here, I mean I didn't have to go screaming on day z forums about it. Honestly that wouldn't solve much. Just ignore him on the forums, ignore him on steam. And if he finds a way to go out of his way to pester you then report it to an admin. Solves everything. I hope you have a good day, but if you are as old as your general maturity seems to tell me, then you should already know how to handle a situation like this.

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Just so you can all calm down randalsandals and I have had a chat and after a few harsh realities we are now buddies. So for all of you giving your long winded soliloquises on something you didn't understand, guess what! It turns it he didn't know i was Australian!

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