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Enforcing disrespect rule.

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Clan A of which has nice people, good admins, and are just people who play the game to have fun.


Clan B of which has assholes, admins that do nothing about them, and are people who contently yell and scream insults at each other.


Than tell me which clan you would rather be in to play games, which are meant to be played for fun and enjoyment.

Not to mention the amount of really good people we have lost due* to the way the clan has been behaving towards other players.


As great as that would be, "Clan A" doesn't exist. Everyone seems to be so obsessed with the idea of "trolling" they forget the fact that some people just DON'T LIKE certain other people for some reason or another. You can't ever expect everyone to get along seamlessly, it just won't happen.

That being pretty much fact in my mind, I do still agree that aggressive disrespect should be punished. Just because there are people who I don't like in the clan doesn't mean I seek them out in game and fuck with them. We need to take a little from both you and Heisenberg on this matter, really. I don't ban people for calling me a faggot or whatever because I did something stupid as warden or ruined someone's round by rebelling, but when someone calls me a queer over and over or tells me to get AIDS and die, I obviously don't deal with that shit. If you're having trouble telling if someone is being "disrespectful" or playing around, It's as simple as asking the person who's being disrespected. Why is everyone having so much trouble with this? Don't be afraid to ban bitches. If they didn't mean what they were saying they'll make a ban protest and it'll be handled from there...


TL;DR People with in game or teamspeak powers, don't be bitch. Get them banhammas swangin'

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Wailord and the people that retaliate with him are a good example of disrespect on CSS JB.


+1 On the permban of anybody who says a curse word, anywhere, to anybody.

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seriously? grow a pair, I dont even disrespect so I'm not saying this because of me, but you people get offended way too easily

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seriously? grow a pair, I dont even disrespect so I'm not saying this because of me, but you people get offended way too easily


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disrespect "rule" is a cop out to abuse people by mods typically, but also admins who be oversensitive




sack up

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People don't really understand the difference between disrespect and just internet talk. Calling someone a "faggot" isn't really disrespectful, unless the person is actually gay and the insult is being said in a malicious way. It also depends on if the person receiving the "disrespect" is actually offended or not. I for one couldn't give a flying fuck what someone on the internet says about me, so I never really care, however some people are more sensitive.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that disrespect is really hard to enforce, and will always be there. Kick/ban someone, and another person will be on to say the same exact things 10 minutes later, guaranteed.

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disrespect "rule" is a cop out to abuse people by mods typically, but also admins who be oversensitive




sack up


Having the disrespect rule is not a "cop out".


Example 1: Admins who get disrespected while trying to manage the server by some random idiot on the internet is basically saying to me that they don't care about the Admin. They are also saying that they do not care about the rules in doing so, since they are disrespecting an authority figure. If you go up and disrespect a police officer you aren't going to get very far in doing so, nor is it a good idea.What if I ask someone a question like "Why you kill another inno while you were inno?" and they answer me disrespectfully or in a sarcastic matter. They once again sow me that they don't care about the rules.


Example 2: Lets say a guy named Adam is getting insulted by someone named Bob. This can lead to problems like RDM from Adam, more than likely against Bob for the insults. Even through Bob started it with insults and slander toward Adam to get him mad. Bob will claim Rdm, and cause us to have to punish Adam due to him doing whatever he decides to do, like rdm on just him or on a masive scale. Leaving Bob to insult more people, and being free to do as he please, causing problems on the server and stopping people from having fun do to someone being an ass and disrespecting. Now let say we have 10 people Just like Bob on the server, then we get into a lot more problems and have a less friendly playing environmental. I am not defending this type of behavior, but disrespect can cause problems for everyone, and not just the person being insulted.



Also one more quick note. YOU may not be insulted by people on the internet, but OTHER PEOPLE can be insulted.

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I'm saying this as honestly, I've given up. It's the internet, people are going to disrespect no matter what. We aren't going to stop randoms from joining the server one day and stop them from disrespecting. Ugh I'm just tired of bringing this subject up over and over and over. It's not going to be fixed. If someone disrespects you, file a ban request instead of just leaving one day qqing about disrespect and then not even posting 1 single ban request or going to any moderator. If it's coming from another member, talk to an admin or try to resolve it amongst each other. If its a random who joins, hopefully a mod will see but its difficult to see everything so if somebody disrespects you, SCREENSHOT, demo anything! I mean come on, it just makes me upset when people complain about people BUT don't do anything themselves. Disrespect won't go away, its the internet! But it won't affect you if you deal with it yourself!

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Like @@Gawd said. When I was a member nearly a year ago I did that, even before I became a mod I would be told "Hey, Cookie. This guy is being extremely annoying and harassing me and the other players. Can you come in the server?" And I would jump in and try and get the guy to leave, if I couldn't I would demo or screencap and post a ban request. It's not that hard people! I have gotten some disrespectful people banned by just doing that!


So if you have no powers and feel that the appropriate action is a ban get the proof, post a ban request. If you do have powers and a person tells you that they are feeling harassed take care of it!


It may not make the internet safer or less of a dick place but at least that member will remember that xG's mods and admins are looking out for them!


TL;DR Do as the people said and post a ban request and use those ban hammers. Fuckin' H guys. #Rehashin '

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