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UGC highlander team

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Is anyone looking for a highlander team? Well look no further. all you have to do is post a reply about what TF2 class you want to play and ill tell you if your in.

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@@Duplolas you're one of the few that can actually make me facepalm rl.

@@Seacow look at the other thread, there's a bunch of people who got denied I believe to play the classes they wanted, so just ask the people who aren't on the roster already, plus asking around on the TF2 servers of xG isn't a bad idea either.

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A facepalm a day keeps the doctor away.


Also I just dont think anyone besides the people who are already on our team really play TF2 competitively.


Also link, im pretty sure highlander only allows stock weps, no huntsman.

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