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Wardays...are becoming rediculous. (JB)

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I noticed that several weeks ago CTs were basically given permission to shoot anyone they saw on a warday area, as long as they were in warday, on the grounds that "That t is not actively participating."


People that play CT more often than T might not notice it, but its not fun getting shot instantly because every CT is camping every entrance to the warday area.


Basically, CTs can camp every entrance to the warday area (and i mean CAMP, with awps trained on doors and such) and then start saying about how bad ts are because they arent participating. Now, CTs tend to be bad, so it usually gets down to LCT at some point, but its annoying for me when the only way to participate into a warday is by jumping around into the warday area and hoping to get lucky shots (and i mean, im not BAD at CSS. Not great, but not bad.) or by camping outside war day entrances and popping out occasionally hoping to get a shot off without being domed.


If i had any suggestions, it would be that:

1.) since warday areas must have two entrances, a time is given to enter the warday area, one team from each entrance, and all persons must have entered by say, 10 seconds after that time, or risk being slayed. Anyone in the warday area before the given time would be slayed. This seems to me it would be the most dramatic change, and i figure its worth at least TESTING.




2.) disallow CTs from camping using the definition in MOTD, 10 feet in 15 seconds or whataever, and disallow vent camping.




3.) some other solution.


Just wanted some other opinions on this, as loller suggested I created a thread and i figured why not.

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There are generally twice as many T's as CT's. T's can easily actually try to team up and orchestrate some shit, but they don't.


Overall I feel warday wins split about 50/50 CT/T so I think it's pretty fair.

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or as the warday rules state you can HOLSTER YOUR GUN on your way to warday area. If you keep moving towards wardays and have a holestered gun you are participating but can't be shot as it would be a freekill unless that rule has been changed. so you could run up to the door and then shoot them but yea


"Any T inside the Warday area can be killed. Any T visible outside the Warday area and aimed to shoot a CT can be shot. A T who is outside the warday area with only a knife (and holstered guns) may not be shot. If the T is not participating in the Warday by standing in the entrance, purposefully, with their guns holstered trying to bait a freekill, they can be shot by a CT or slayed by an admin for not participating – The T must be actively moving to the Warday area."


Directly taken from rules SO yea :)

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Since your new here i'll take this as a dumb joke also nice going off topic =/


I'm not really new here... And I would comment instead of quote a reply if the website worked *cough* @autumn *cough*


(And actually it was mostly a joke since everyone says mine is shopped)

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a time is given to enter the warday area, one team from each entrance, and all persons must have entered by say, 10 seconds after that time, or risk being slayed.


You aren't accounting for the fact that Terrorists need to arm themselves before even thinking of running into a Kill On Sight area. It's easy for CTs to get to the area no sweat as they are already armed. Also, i'm not sure how well this would work out in an area where the two entrances are in close proximity (literally in view of each other). I just see too many problems with how it would work out.



and disallow vent camping.


This is already restricted. This is straight out of the motd rules under the heading 'Vents, Tunnels and Teleports': "A CT or T cannot camp a teleport (neither the entrance nor the arival spot)." I will agree however; in saying that majority of CTs tend to keep their sights on the arrival spot on maps such as jb_vipinthemix or jb_avalanche.


As McNeo said, if the Ts would co-operate, they could easily overwhelm the CTs in terms of numbers. If every T went out at the exact same time, I'll bet you that CTs would lose.

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This is already restricted. This is straight out of the motd rules under the heading 'Vents, Tunnels and Teleports': "A CT or T cannot camp a teleport (neither the entrance nor the arival spot)."


Actually, I was told second-hand that Serbian says that simply "looking" at a vent isn't camping it - camping is the physical act of being near it. It's also been discussed among Admins, and we've agreed that camping a vent is allowed on a warday - since it's basically just good strategy to cover and entrance to a room you are protecting. Notably, I could be wrong on these.


But still, the T's out number the CTs, and I'd guess about half the CTs usually get from afar anyway.


Not sure why Poncher closed this - Just because the rules are fine doesn't mean we can't talk about it. Reopened cuz YOLO

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camping a vent is allowed on a warday - since it's basically just good strategy to cover and entrance to a room you are protecting. Notably, I could be wrong on these


Wouldn't be bad but you'd have problems with CTs going inside the vents and camping. It would be nice for CTs to be able to camp outside them and shank nub t's going threw the vent. or shoot but w/e their choice.

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Wouldn't be bad but you'd have problems with CTs going inside the vents and camping. It would be nice for CTs to be able to camp outside them and shank nub t's going threw the vent. or shoot but w/e their choice.


Never had a problem with CT's being in vents - if they're in the vents then they're not in warday area and get slain.

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Regarding camping with a scope, this was discussed in another thread and Link_ made a verdict.


To do list

I feel like it would be difficult to moderate but worth it, as all my other arguments for the most part were given vaild counter arguments...

There in reality is no difference between camping a vent 3 feet away and camping a vent 30 feet away, you can still instikill anyone coming out of it. As dead mods/admins are the ones stuck doing moderating during wardays anyway,i believe its a matter of simply checking the FP view of players under compaint.


I dont mind terribly that wardays arent very fun for me, but i just figured its worth a shot.



FTR, coordinating wardays or rebels or ANYTHING with ts NEVER work. You set a time, and about 7 people say "kk lets do it." then 3 seconds later you feel like an idiot because you are the only person who rebelled, or entered the warday area, or whatever.

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But look at all the dumb ass CTs that also get killed from half way across the map with an AWP, warday or not.
This is pretty much what happens on every warday. Most of the CT's aren't even killed by T's that rush the warday area, but ones that are sitting a little behind and pick off stupid CT's, which is usually about 90% of the team. Personally, I don't see a problem with the current system for wardays, and the balance of power between the T's and the CT's feels pretty even, and if anything is tipped to the benefit of the T's, not the CT's.

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