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Written Forum Rules and New Category

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I don't think trolling is something you should be banned for unless it's constant. A lot of the time people mistake sarcasm and joking around with trolling. And someone shouldn't be banned just because you're really sensitive and your feelings got hurt over a joke on the internet.



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+1 I cry every time


Side note, nothing should be changed on the forums, or serious action must be taken on everyone with no bias (but it's xG so lolz) alot of people including yourself should be banned or warned. Look at ban protests, admin abuse threads, even general (aka calling out taki-blow). Someone who feeds the flame shouldn't be proposing threads like this.

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Maybe "these trolls" should maybe not make it a challenge for everyone to see if its a joke or not. Like by adding :P or lol. You know, like a non-troll would.


Or how about people just say whatever the fuck they want on the internet and as long as it isn't threatening or infringing the rights, privacy, or safety of another person, nothing happens of it? I understand contacting higher ups for constant disrespect/trolling even after politely asking someone to stop, but there comes a point while you're browsing the internet that you realize this shit shouldn't be taken so seriously. If you get severely offended or feel insulted for what people on the internet say to you, maybe you shouldn't be on here in the first place. Or maybe you should just get the fuck over it.

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Theres always been a lot of trolling, disrespect, and general douchery. But lately there has been a lot, not excluding myself.


I know im not the one to come up with a list for ban times, and maybe it would be best to hear from the community for ban times and the reasons.


Does no one read? At all?


Also, im suppose to never use the internet again because I take offense to when someone insults me for the amusement of everyone else? Welp. Cya everybody. Im just going to go live in a cave some where because people hurt my feelings.


Oh and "getting the fuck over it" you say. Is that why the same people continue to post in my threads with insults? Oh Well. I guess some people never "get the fuck over it"


And you see why I include derailing a thread to flame as a ban reason. Because while it flames it also makes it harder for things to get done.


I understand contacting higher ups for constant disrespect/trolling even after politely asking someone to stop

@Brian The trolls, oh god the trolls. Please help... me... Im dieing Brian. The trolls... they are sucking out all my life essence... from my ass hole...

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I honestly don't even know what to say in reply to your post. I was trying to calmly explain to you why I don't think trolling (unless it's consistent) should be worth a ban. I wasn't even remotely trolling or disrespecting in my previous post and the fact you would quote what I said just to insult me is pretty damn pathetic. It just goes to show that you really can't handle your own arguments and have to have a higher-up take care of things for you.


Hey, if me being forum banned lets you sleep at night without tossing and turning, then by all means, keep making a fool of yourself and enabling me to point it out.

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To the original post, perhaps an official forum rules isn't a bad idea. Yes, the rules are common sense and common courtesy, but neither of those two are as common as we would like to think they are. As to the other ideas of more sub-forums, that would be vastly unnecessary.


Also, an 'Official Forum Rules' could prevent people from saying something to the effect of, "I didn't know. Why should I get banned for something I didn't know was wrong? Sieg heil, mein Führer! YOLOSWAG420 Ddos!"

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