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TheLostCause Moderatorator Sub

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+1 this dude. Been here forever, surprised he's not mod already :P

Spamming posts isn't really a reason to +0 everyone... Just say if you think he'd make a good candidate for mod or not

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+1 He is a great kid, he knows the MOTD and strives to uphold it as a member.


Completely agree with serbian, he should have been mod a while ago, but he went majorly inactive.


To those giving a -1 because he 'spammed' for 100 posts. think to yourself, if you had been here for a year and decided you wanted to finally step up and try to get mod, but only had 87 posts, what would you do?


Also, keep in mind that having a lower post count is perhaps a good thing. maybe the person with the low post count who has been here for a while now is low for a reason, like he/she only posted when there was reason to post (until the last 10ish posts) and had a valuable input.


LostCause has been around for a while and is an overall great player to be around, my suggestion would be for all those who gave a 0 or -1 because he 'spammed' to think it through for more than the 2 seconds it took to think out the words 'oh he spammed lololololol' and change to a +1 or -1 based on what you see him as, and what you see him do.

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Well, I think we should just get rid of the 100 post rule at this point. It is seriously almost never followed, so I don't see the point of making some people follow it and not others. Might as well just get rid of it, or make some kind of active member requirement. Like a member for a year or more or some shit like that. But in all honesty, if you've been here for so long, it's really not that difficult to get the 100 posts w/o spamming, if you are really looking to be an active part of the community. And yes, I know I say this on tons of mod apps, like the exact same thing. So by this point I think we should really just get rid of the 100 post rule if its never followed even though personally I'm in favor of it. ( And yes, I know he has 100 posts. I'm just saying this in general, whether he spammed for it or not)



BUT, if you don't take into account if he spammed for it or not, which I really don't know and atm don't have time to check I'll +1. He's been around for a while, and certainty knows the rules.

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