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Gavin wants in.

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+1 active and follows rules and stuff

its about time you made an app




I might as well just pack up now, no point in staying.


I am changing this to a -1. You are always so quick to anger when you shouldn't be mad.

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Gavin you are on our list of "Pending to be banned" because you brake rules in a vigilante style (REVENGE RDM).


I am surprised my staff +1d you. Either way I am leaving this at a 0.


If you do get in, don't look forward to staff.

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Maturity: 3/10

Activeness: 8/10

Comments: I really dont like you. At all. You and your little posse of friends get away with a lot. Im surprised Charrax hasnt banned you yet.

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+1 Gavin is on ttt all of the time and only breaks the rules from what ive seen when he revenge rdms sometimes he does it usually when the person who rdm's him isnt slain

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