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@autumn Of course you're going to disagree with this, but we need some more exciting things added to server. One of them being skins. I was thinking each one for each class of jb. A new system, but once again making xG prominent and being unlike others. Might take a lot of work.


  • - Class 1 Prisoner Skin = A more younger looking human (No beard, possibly teenagerish)
  • - Class 2 Prisoner Skin = A Little older human (Late 20's-30's, a gotee or small beard)
  • - Class 3 Prisoner Skin = Full on Bearded human (more like a wizard with a long white beard, and white hair), wrinkles in his skin (Looks more like the admin skin but with a white beard and hair)



  • - Class 1 Guard Skin = Same thing, same idea. Security Gaurd uniform ( Tanish color)
  • - Class 2 Guard Skin = A little taller guide, full beard, Light Bluish.
  • - Class 3 Guard Skin = Either a Drill Sergeant, Or the Current Swat Uniform


NOTE: THESE CLASSES COULD EITHER BE BOUGHT THROUGH HUB SYSTEM, OR MAYBE WE CAN FIND A WAY TO INCOORPORATE THEM WITH HOW ACTIVE YOU ARE ON THE SERVER. (Start with class 1, to get to class 2 you must have played 250 Hours on the server, class 3 500 hours) Just ideas.


  • Mod Prisoner - Mod written on the back of their Uniform, Or a band on their arm. Maybe a black/white striped jumpsuit, or Class 3 with the Written letters.
  • Admin Prisoner - Could keep the same, rambo looking one, and add maybe Admin on the back.
  • -Donator - Put a Cash Sign on the back of their jump suit ($) or Add the letters "VIP" to there clothes. Maybe have them have a Black/White Jumpsuit. (To actually get this skin, you would have to have donated $50+)

  • General Staff? Or maybe just in general a Staff Skin Which all mods/Admins/Divs can wear. Staff written on the back of their jumpsuits. And For Guards, maybe a Drill Sergeant. Idk


So bottom line is, I'm shooting ideas. Yes Silence will probably not approve this idea in any sort, same with staff/members. I'm just giving ideas, because thats how communities improve. If this major update was actually to go through, I believe it would give us tons of new members.

@@Duckii @@HighSociety

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Someone needs to make them :p


Exactly, maybe hire coders? Or I can try to create some of the skins, through photoshop. (Would need a guide) Dunno how the skin creating process works so...

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I will literally teach myself how to code and do this shit for free just to actually see some new stuff on the servers. Unless I get frustrated from learning how and rage quit.

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All we need is someone to find skins they want and just reskin other models which ik how to do or we can actually try designing new models which would need some 3D work I could try to do but the coding part is easy there is no need to hire coders, if anything a 3D modeler that can make the custom skins

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All we need is someone to find skins they want and just reskin other models which ik how to do or we can actually try designing new models which would need some 3D work I could try to do but the coding part is easy there is no need to hire coders, if anything a 3D modeler that can make the custom skins


There should be preset models we can use... But maybe we have to formout the extra stuff.

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Are we following this new rank thing (class 1, 2, 3) or just making skins 0.o Cuz if we follow the rank idea, all skins gotta be somewhat different from the ones currenty.

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