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Duplolas - Gmod

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So you just admitted to banning him based on an assumption...


No. I never could ban Duplolas. I stated that before. Reading the other posts where I said I had no ability to ban Duplolas due to a glitch would of told you that.


EDIT: I was not the one to Perm Duplolas in the end. I've just been stating what my relations with Duplolas were like, and how I feel his playing on the server should be resolved.

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The constant rule breaking, the trolling and other stuff in the GMOD division is getting old, really fast.

@@DrPepperPhreak By your logic, you should have left the server as well, but you still play there. Practice what you preach.


You guys claim that it was a ban glitch? Now that's just desperate. If you really wanted him banned that badly, come to me. I would have gladly done it as well. The GMOD Division just makes me laugh sometimes. The logic in this argument is so flawed, it's like I'm watching a Presidential Debate.


If you claim it was a ban glitch, and then decide to ban him after you contacted me, I would understand. But, there was nothing, not a sound from any of you to even hint a possible ban glitch. Autumn didn't get a message, because he would have told us as well.


Now look, I understand why you guys hate Duplous, but banning him now, right after he leaves, just isn't fair.


Therefore he's unbanned until further notice.

@@Charrax or @@Aeon can talk with me about this at a later date, but for now, this decision stands.



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We have banned him. Moderators can only ban up to 10080 (Why he couldnt just 9999999).


The ban error is a serious error that we are trying to fix. The only way around it was through HLSW (Which is how Aeon and I banned him in the past).


He was banned before. He was unbanned after the time passed. I like to start from a clean slate after the time passes. As I was gathering evidence for a member protest I as going to do, I looked at logs and saw that he broke many more rules.


Scooter is completely right. In all honesty you(plural) do not know how our ban system works, it isn't anything like Sourcemod or the CS:S/TF2 misc admin mods. We had errors (no mostly resolved) whenever banning specific people so my staff could not ban. And regardless of what time he came into the server to find Duplolas immaturely arguing about rules he has broken (Most of the arguments) it was clear he was causing the problem.


I got steam messages frequently telling me that Duplolas was starting problems.


Now about the most recent (Brian's) post:

-If we came to you, you couldn't have done anything at all since you have no powers on the server, and to my understanding, no RCON password.


As far as I knew what buisness was it to tell oter people of a ban error (Not glitch)? Why should you care? I can still ban people with the error.


We have been waiting for him to get enough evidence stacked up against the rules and we finally had enough.


Offenses are: Multiple-RDM, Revenge RDM, Trolling and Starting Agruments, Disrespect (In server) to staff, Clearly doesn't know the rules (Look at his old abuse thread on me), Killing W/ No evidence.


And more.


I am keeping him banned until after I talk with Brian/Silence. Because once the talk is finished he will definitely agree with me. I feel so strongly that if I unbanned him for just the small interval that involves me talking to Brian or Silence, that he would be breaking rules.


As a final point: Look at how little effort he put into the OP, he obviously doesn't care or isn't trying hard enough.











This is the highest "Yes" I have ever gotten in the history of server votes. I am 100% serious.


I will update this as I talk to my staff.

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@@Charrax There's a reason I closed this before, in order to avoid both of you from posting, and so that Charrax could explain in Teamspeak 3 his reason.


You're still too overzealous in your powers, I see, re-opening this thread until I can make a decision. You don't re-open the thread to post your own opinion, you re-open it to let more people post, or you don't re-open at all.


The point I was trying to make is why you didn't ban him earlier, instead of being a douche and waiting to ban him, just as he leaves. That's kicking a man as he's down.


GMOD is your division, but I help manage problems. This is a problem between the entire GMOD division and Dupluous, not between you and Dupluous.


We need to have a serious discussion between me, @@Duckii, @Poncher, and at @autumn and @@Charrax about Dupluous, and where your jurisdiction ends, and where ours begin.


He might as well need to stay banned, but we want to know the reasoning, and not the bullshit reason of punishing him after he's been punished for his actions already.


-closed until further investigation

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