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Study Habits

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Im cracked out off an adderol binge right now and I want to rant. So here's a story I made up deciphering how @@Chrono plays league.


We get matched, luckily, as it takes us 3 minutes in a supposed 30 second queue but nethertheless we all press accept and get to team select. All roles are filled and we begin to load up. "Welcome to Summoner's Rift" plays and I tab back in, headed out to wolves to start my jungle but wait, where's the ADC to put some damage on the big wolf? Oh, right, he's in spawn presumably AFK reading up on how to be a bad division leader (must be notes from Duplo). He finally gets back when Golem spawns and I have to take some damage from it (tsk tsk you no make Jarvan IV happy). Laning phase starts and they go down 0-2 in lane in first 5 minutes so we got @@Warriorsfury raging in top lane (kid lost too a singed), @@PiNoYPsYcHo just does his thing in middle (as Lux, lol that cocky bitch with lasers) and coasts to a good farm. So we continue on our game, and we're about 12 minutes in when I look at the score, and oh would you look at that, we have a 2-6 Vayne. Hmph, Warriors ragequits, gets into a screaming match with his brother and chokeslams him on a pillow (thats what all the tough kids do now), Pinoy goes to McDonald's to eat away his sorrows but on the way back he gets mugged and loses his virginity. Chrono just sits there all ostrich eyed with foggy glasses giggling to himself that Tryndamere's joke has to do with masturbation. All in all it was a successful match on league and we lost in 28 minutes. Never give up, Never surrender.


TLDR: Don't play with Chrono, I gave him League div leader out of pity since he sucks at CS:GO.

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