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[Not xG] This is just disrespectful

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Maybe it's just me but I find it highly disrespectful to see any players tag holding the [xG] markings, that is not an official member. This should be a punishable offense that grows in severity depending on the number of times the rules been broken. No matter wether they state they love the server or not only official members should have xG. As a member personally I prize wearing my tag, knowing I'm part of a great server.

But to see either Ex~ [xG] ~ members join this group ([Not xG]), and to wear the tag, just shows a lack of respect to the server and provides a potential problem starter, if the group grows with Trolls that would try to ruin the game play we come to the [xG] servers for in the first place.


Let's all agree on this 1, and just make it a rule if you are not in [xG] you DO NOT WEAR xG IN ANY WAY. If a admin questions the players tag, that it should be changed immediately or face discipline actions.

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[NoT:xG] For all those members who have been kicked out of xG and still love the clan. <3

this is their group info(?)


I don't think it was meant to be disrespectful,

even though that's how it turned out to be anyway.

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Sprinkles pretty much said what i was going to say, It was not met to be disrespectful in any 1, Before i did add the tag, i asked silence if it would be fine.He did say yes. If i am asked to remove it i will, the clan does not plan on growing, i do plan on re applying for xG in the future, and once i do, it will be deleted.

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Why am I not surprised it was rabid? Oh because this sounds exactly like him. He does **** like this claiming innocence, and only wants a laugh or a reaction out of people. Same old story is old and I am tired of it.

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Sorry that iv'e been in the clan close to a year., and still like xG, I don't understand how you don't understand that iv'e stopped trolling really, iv'e cut down about 75% of it, if not more. I just want to be back in xG in the future, which will not happen if i cant get people's trust. Mostly every 1 knows me. ero, I don't know what u have against me.

if u have anything against me making Abuse threads about it, Then that's just really immature, move on with it.

[Not:xG] was made by me, i didnt know any 1 was going to join, i thought i had the group on invite only, and i was the only 1 that was going to join but then floodles joined Silences brother, Which i have no problem with. I dont see it being a threat, when we do somthing wrong then u can go on about it. It's not a big deal, don't make it 1.

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You yourself said you have to earn people trust back, yet you accuse me of being petty about a Abuse thread? Your wrong it's much more then that. As far everything else. I will believe it when I see it.

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" iv'e stopped trolling really, iv'e cut down about 75% of it," the fact that you TROLl at all shows a lack of respect for the server you claim to like so much, stop with the bs change the tag you should only be wearing xG if you are official member. you mention you will change it when you re join xG i say you change it now

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" iv'e stopped trolling really, iv'e cut down about 75% of it," the fact that you TROLl at all shows a lack of respect for the server you claim to like so much, stop with the bs change the tag you should only be wearing xG if you are official member. you mention you will change it when you re join xG i say you change it now


You, my good sir, need to chill out. I played with Rabid when he was trolling quite a bit, and now when he has [Not:xG] and I personally think he is sincere about wanting to rejoin the clan and means no disrespect.


EDIT: Plus, the fact that Silence himself said he could wear the tag should end this topic right here, right now.

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" iv'e stopped trolling really, iv'e cut down about 75% of it," the fact that you TROLl at all shows a lack of respect for the server you claim to like so much, stop with the bs change the tag you should only be wearing xG if you are official member. you mention you will change it when you re join xG i say you change it now


Lol seriously relax bud, if Silence is fine with it, no point to have a problem with it yourself. Read what sprinkles said, the group is for people who got kicked out, but still love xG.


---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------


Also this post should be closed and removed.

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