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May I make a suggestion?

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Im pretty new here to the forums but I've been on the JB server for about 2 months now. I love you guys and the shenanigans go down but theres one aspect of the server that just ****** me off to no end, and I know tons of you are with me on this one.


Every time there is a mapvote, everyone is going to spam 1. No matter what. You never see 6 being spammed, or even poor little number 4.


Now with that in mind, that constantly leaves us playing the following maps, Lego, Avalanche, and razor. The monotony really plagues the fun of the server, and we play Lego every other map.


Has any of the higher ups considered adding a "Recently played" plug-in so that we can get a healthy rotation in maps? Basically what it does is makes it so you cant play the same map within 2-3 map changes, forcing you to utilize all of the other maps we are able to nominate.


I really think that would hold our interest a little better, and force us to learn new maps. Seems like people RTV off a map they dont know rather than just learning it, just so that we can go sit on lego.


I have map packs of custom jails that have literally hundreds of options in them, quite a few with interesting features as well that id be willing to upload for us.


Ive been a little burnt out because it really is the same 3 maps on rotation, lego mostly, and the days where we go lego, razor, lego, avalanche, lego, avalanche, are getting old.


This is just an idea, I know my place and I'm not trying to bust in and try to run the place, but I can assure you this would keep things much more fresh and attention-holding.


Thoughts? Anyone else agree?

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by all means, we at xg welcome any suggestions to improve the server. it is a good idea that we put a recently played plugin cause lego and avalanche are sooo boring, everyone knows where everything is in those maps, post some of the jb maps that u made in map request, u might be able to get a handful of them on the server if silence approves of it

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I do not mind lego, but I cant stand it every other map is all. We have plenty of awesome maps on the server, Id like to see more variety, and that wont happen if were allowed to spam 1.

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I tried looking for the plug in myself to just post a link but I couldnt find it. What does our server run on? I think 3 maps in between would be awesome. Glad a few of you agree with me ;)

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To me, the problem isn't necessarily that everybody spams 1. Sure, during high traffic times on the server you do get a lot of 1-spammers, but for the most part I think the actual primary concern is that Lego and Avalanche are the Office and Dust2 of the prison break world. They're just the popular, colorful, familiar, distinct maps that everybody remembers and everybody enjoys, and so when mapvoting comes up, they go, "Oh! Avalanche! Man I know that map, that map is chill. Let's do that." and, voila, back we are on Avalanche for the 279847th time.


It's really just a subconscious thing. I mean, when was the last time you ended up on Space Jail and were like, "Aw yeah! Space Jail!" Probably never. In fact, I'm pretty sure most people spend their first minutes on Space Jail wondering if they are on BlackOps or VIPIntheMix, and while anybody who plays enough prison break can tell the difference, that group is a small minority in the voting bloc.


So it ends up as a compaction of two issues. For one, Avalanche and Lego are just really well-made, fun maps that by rights SHOULD be the most popular maps on the server. For two, all the other maps aren't the kind that stick out in your mind, you know -- you have to learn them a bit. Each one of those problems would make us end up on Avy and Lego all the time, but when they are combined, they ensure that it is a non-stop train between those two maps.


How you solve that so that there's more map diversity in a given gameplay session is of course a variable decision, one with no real answer and certainly up to opinion. Personally, if it were me trying to fix it, I would temporarily (keyword there) reduce the server's maps to 6: Avalanche, Lego, Canyondam, BlackOps, VIPIntheMix, and Razor. Yeah, I know what you're thinking: what? More variety via less content? Yes, actually. If there were only six maps, people would gain a handle on them much faster and be come familiar with all the maps, so that they actually start choosing between them instead of just going, "Here's a list of names I don't recognize and Lego. I vote Lego."


Then, slowly, I would begin to add more maps, but making sure that each one feels distinct and individual, and sticks out in somebody's mind.


That's just my two cents, though, and I'm sure plenty of you disagree with this post. But if we're going to address the problem, here, let's address the real problem, i.e. map familiarity, and not just "lol guys don't spam 1."

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I really think that would hold our interest a little better, and force us to learn new maps. Seems like people RTV off a map they dont know rather than just learning it


Its not just "Dont Spam 1" its pretty much what you said JD. If we were forced (in a sense) to pick new maps and learn them, it would add variety.


I just think adding the plug in would be easier than conditioning people and slowly adding / removing maps.


Unfortunately.....People wont learn anything from it, and we will have less maps :/


Either way. I dont really see any sort of official opinion on it, so It seems like this ones getting filed under ideas.

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