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Giggybro - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

-MGGFA- Major General Giggy

Steam ID:


I was banned about six months ago for false accusation for being away from keyboard during a duel which involved items. The reason I went AFK, I do not remember because it was long ago, but nonetheless they accused me of setting the duel and banned me for scamming the other person of items. I believe that I have learned my lesson, and since some of my friends play on the server that I should be able to join them. I am truly sorry for the misunderstanding, and I sincerely hope you will see through it and unban me from the Xeno Gamer's servers. Thank you from your time, and have a nice day.

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"I have friends, unban me"


I don't remember the person's name nor what items were being traded but you believing that you should be unbanned because you have friends on the server is no reason. I don't see why you would go afk, but I guess we'll never know. Have a good day.

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Ok, Priggles even though i have apologized once, I am truly sorry for any type of discrepancy that we had between us, and i indeed did lose.


African, I had more to say than "I have friends, Unban me" I lagged out during the duel and i wasn't even on Team Fortress Two for the next Month due to router issues. Tell me this, do you think six months of being banned is enough? I believe that i shouldn't be banned for Lag issues. The thing that really gets me is, that same day i dueled a kid that wouldn't end the duel so i got an admin. the admin kicks the kid. (I have a screenshot of the duel) , but when i have trouble with my hardware i get banned for life. Once again, I'm sorry for the incident, I accept that I lost, and I think that six months is plenty of time to be banned for router issues. But is it really worth it to keep me banned for something so petty?

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I lagged out during the duel and i wasn't even on Team Fortress Two for the next Month due to router issues.

Do you have proof of this? If not, the ban is gonna stay, the story sounds really unlikely and we don't like scammers.

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if you got banned for scamming you shouldn't come back and if you had router issues you should have told someone when it happened and not now. kinda late for that. Also you said you lagged out when it says you got banned by afk. so what is it. did you afk or lag out.it makes no sense. you said you didn't remember why you afk'd but you remember getting lagged out. your either making up lies or making no sense.

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I had multiple friends say i was still in the server even though i had exited Team Fortress Two and was playing Battlefield Vietnam since my router was down, If you like i can get some of my friends to testify if you like.

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