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MOTD (being edited with Ducki and I)

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A Basic Day of Jailbreak

Anything that is not in the MOTD is considered illegal unless an Admin says otherwise.


The start of the round is where a random CT shall proclaim that he/she is the warden of the round. He or she must give orders and open the Cell Doors by the time of 6:45 or the T's will have a Freeday. When the orders are given, the T's will either follow them, or are considered rebels. Any order given from a Warden must be done as soon as he says it (unless stated otherwise) No Detour/Delay is implied. The Warden with the help of their CT's will then attempt to lower the number of T's with many different games that the T's will play. If the Warden plays a game that is not in the rules, they must have permission from an admin. The Warden will try to get the T's to play these random assortments of games until there is one T left for last request. The last T Must type in !lr and it will initiate last request. The T will then play games with !lr until either the T loses, or until all the CT's are eliminated.


A T CANNOT BE WARDEN EVER. The round begins with a CT calling Warden. During a game, the Warden must call out "Warden kills only", or the other cts are allowed to help the Warden kill the losing T's. The Warden cannot instruct the T's to kill a specific CT. The Warden can also not give personal freedays at any time, and cannot make a T a pet.Tarping is not allowed until 3 minutes have passed and at least 3 orders have been given. If the Warden happens to die, a CT must call out on voice chat that he/she is the new warden within 15 seconds and the current round will continue. If they do not, it will be a freeday until 0:00. When it is 0:00, any CT with a mic must revoke this freeday and get the T's to play a game for !lr. During The 15 seconds after the Warden's death after, his/her previous order remains for that 15 seconds until a CT calls Warden.

Opening Cells

The Warden is the only one allowed to open the cells unless stated otherwise. If another CT opens it without the warden's permission, they can be slayed or Team Banned upon Warden's request. If a CT or T is caught 'cell spamming' which is opening and closing the cell doors quickly, they will be slayed or Server Banned. Cells have to be open by 6:45 or it is a freeday until 0:00. All gun checks must be performed immediately after cells are opened. AFK freeze may only be used during these gun checks. This means no movement of any sort.


These people will be the prison guards of the round, and are the protectors of the warden. They must follow all orders given by the Warden that are directly pointed at the CT's. For example, if the Warden tells the CT's to stay away from a specific area, they must follow. If a CT is unable to follow the orders, he or she will be slayed or Team Banned. If a CT is not actively involved in the day or near the T's while the Warden is watching over them, they will be slayed or CT switched/banned. CT's are not allowed to go into a cell that has a T within or by the cells unless there is a rebelling T. T's who are rebelling can only be deemed as a rebel if they were seen breaking rules by a CT.


Neither CT's nor T's are allowed to camp in armory. They must get out of armory within 15 seconds. CT's are not to camp a vent within armory if they've noticed a T coming at any time. They must chase the T through the vent if they wish to get the T going into the armory. Armory is Restricted For T's on any Freeday, if they are seen in armory they're a rebel. Failure to follow these rules will result in a Slay/Kick/Ban.

Vents and Tunnels

A CT can only go into an open vent. CT's cannot open a vent at all or else they will be slayed or CT banned. CT's OR T's cannot camp a vent or they will be slayed or team-banned. If a T knifes a vent or is caught in a vent , a CT can automatically kill that T. Cheap areas such as teleport tower in Lego-Jail are also not to be camped in.

Guns and Gun Planting

If a T has a secondary or primary holstered, a CT must order them to drop the gun either over voice command or type command. If a T has an unholstered primary or secondary, they must drop it within 2 second or they will be shot. T's have 3 Seconds to drop the gun after a CT has ordered them. They cannot aim at a CT, otherwise they will be shot. If a T is to open fire with a gun without being told to, they may be shot by any CT. If a T purposefully drops a gun in a way to pick it up repeatedly, they are considered a rebel. CT's may not gun plant (Giving T's guns or dropping within the pathway of T's desinated area) or they will be slayed/team-banned.


We have a "no baiting" rule policy so if a CT is baiting a T, the T may not knife him/her or they are rebelling and can be shot on sight. T's who are being baited purposely by a CT must let an admin know by typing this into Teamchat "@CT Purposely baiting [their name] ". If a CT is caught doing this they will be slayed/team-banned.

Mic Policy

Your microphone must not be loud or have annoying feedback, and you must have a mature voice to be a Warden. As long as there is a CT with a mic for every 4 T's, there may be a CT without a mic on the team. If someone with a mic that is able to be warden wants a spot on the CT team, a CT without a mic will be swapped. CT's and T's are not allowed to spam unless it's a Freeday or Warday.(if a T or CT is spamming excessively to the point of it being annoying, they can get muted/banned)

Last CT

Last CT is when there is only one CT left alive in the round, and they are allowed to kill any T on sight. Last CT can only commence if there was 4 or more people on CT from the round start. The last CT is not allowed to camp in any area. Last CT must let the last T have LR unless the last T rebels or is AFK. Failure to do this can get you slayed/team banned.

Different Type of Days

These days are the only days that are allowed on our server. Any other days that are not on this list are considered illegal unless an admin says otherwise. A freeday and warday may not be repeated, the warden must wait a minimum of 3 days to do another warday or freeday. CT's must be in a place that is reachable by the T's at all times.


Freedays are the only days where T's do not have to listen to orders from CT's and can go anywhere they want except armory and vents. T's can still be killed if they are a rebeller, and wardens who actually give a freeday can put restrictions and time limits to freedays. No matter what, freedays end at 0:00 and any CT with a mic can revoke it and give new orders to the T's, failure to comply with these orders can have the T's to be considered as a rebel.

Panda Freeday

This is a day where the T's must be crouching while obeying the following rules. If they are not crouching during this day, they can be killed unless they are standing and not moving their WASD keys (which would mean they are typing). If the T is caught running or walking, they can be shot. Pandas are only allowed to right click knife a CT, and they are allowed to jump to reach a CT. Pandas are not allowed to throw any nade.

Ninja Panda Freeday

Basically the same thing as Panda freeday, except they must be crouch jumping while obeying the rules.

Zombie Freeday

This is a day where the T's must be walking at all times while obeying the following rules. They can knife a CT but only with left click, if they Right Click, they can be shot. The T's are not allowed to jump unless They are chasing a CT. If a CT gets knifed with a left-click attack, they are not allowed to kill that T. Zombies are not allowed to throw any smoke/flash/nades. The main role for a CT during a Zombie Freeday is to avoid the T's at all costs!

War Day

This is a day where the CT's can have a 'War' against the T's. The Warden will specify the area where the War Day will be played in, That area must have 2 or more entrances. The Warden must specify a time before the War Day will begin, and it must be greater than 45 seconds. For Warday to expand 2 minute must have passed after warday had started. The CT's cannot kill the T's until the War Day begins. The CT's and the T's must be participating or they will be slayed. There will be no !lr's on wardays.

Different Type of Games

These are the type of games a Warden can play to eliminate T's. If the game is not described below, it is considered illegal until Approved by an admin. This includes Duck Hunt, Fish in a Barrel, and anything else not explained below. Any game that has been played cannot be played a second time for 2 days.

First Reaction/Last Reaction

The Warden must first state that they will be playing first/last reaction. If the Warden calls out 'First Reaction', the first T to react to his order will be shot. Any T's after that cannot be shot. An example of this would be the Warden calling out, "First Reaction jump" The first T to jump will be killed, but any T's that jumped after that will not be killed. Another example of this would be the Warden calling out, "Last Reaction crouch!" The last T to crouch will be killed. If 2 T's jumped at the same time, they both live.


The Warden can play a trivia game, but they must ask very basic questions. This includes simple math, history, current news or a popular topic that the T's would want to play. The question will be asked by the Warden by text, and the T's must answer by typing it into 'All' chat so the CT's can see who answers it correctly and first. In the event of normal or surprise trivia, no more than 3 T's can die due to a single trivia prize. The prize can never be a personal Freeday. If their question is disgusting, bias, or religious-based, they will be slayed or CT banned. Any trivia questions should be PG-13.

Simon Says

Simon says is considered as a tarping game, so this game must be played after 3 minutes and 3 orders in the round. Simon Says is a very difficult game that is made very complicated by the warden. To begin a Simon Says game, the Warden must say "Simon Says we are now playing Simon Says, Simon says I'm Simon." (one way or the other) The Warden will say all actions such as, "Simon Says, Jump!" and if the 'Simon Says' phrase is in front of any order, then the T's should follow. If the Warden says an order without the 'Simon Says' phrase and a T follows the order, then those T's will be killed. During Simon Says, the Warden cannot make the T's do anything that would get them physically killed, such as walking off cliffs, going into execution rooms, or anything similar to that. Simon cannot instruct the T's to kill anyone or to get guns, projectiles, or map-specific items. To end Simon Says, the Warden must say, "Simon Says we are not playing Simon Says anymore." If he does not say that, then Simon Says is still being played unless Simon died. Evil Simon Says is not allowed.

Specific Map Games

In many of the great maps on our server, they have custom games. A CT is allowed to make the T's play these games, but they must follow the rules that are described and must be sure that it is not a bugged game with 0 chance of survival.

Last Requests

The T who has Last Request is allowed to move around after they type in !lr. During a Last Request, the CT's that are not playing against the last T cannot interfere with the current game but must be in the area at all times. If they fail to do this, they can be Slayed/Teambanned. When a CT wins, the winning CT is the only person allowed to kill the losing T. No Cheating is implied (Advantage to either T or CT/ Rocket Toss). A T cannot rebel when he is the last T. If he or she does, they can get slayed or banned.

Gun Toss

When people say, 'Server Rules Apply', these are the rules they are talking about. There will be no cheating or bunny hopping during a gun toss. There can be further rules given but only if they are fair and do not give the advantage to either of the players and only the T can make these rules.


During a shot for shot, any rules can apply, so long as they do not favor either of the players. To start a Shot-4-Shot, the players must be standing apart with a good distance between them.

Custom Last Request

There is no such thing as a 'Custom Last Request' or a 'CT Last Request.' If any of these are practiced, the people who are participating will be slayed, or server banned.


Ghosting is where a dead or spectating player tells live players where other members are. (either by chat or by changing name) Anyone ghosting will be warned and can be punished by a kick or server ban.


If you think you got freekilled, type @FREEKILLED (NAME OF WHO DID IT) into team-chat which will notify any admins on the server. They will take action from there. Please don't whine in-game since you will just annoy people on the server. Talk to an admin, and you will get things resolved. Please be as descriptive as you can on why you think you got freekilled.

Team Killing?

TeamKilling is not allowed at all here, (Unless T's are having a Soccer Deathmatch) if you are seen Teamkilling you can be slayed/kick/ban. If you were freekilled please type in your teamchat @TeamKill. (This does not apply to Deathsoccer for T's)

Server Rules

All server rules and clan rules apply when on the Jailbreak server. This includes no porn sprays, no hacking or scripting and anything else described in the Server Rules thread posted here. General Server MOTD/Community Rules.


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It's not, there was a trouble of sending it to ducki with the edited nice font version since she doesn't have M-word, so we posted here and she is finishing up edits with me here, and then we will fix font and post it officially

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yeh... i don't see any problems , and alrdy had someone else read it and he doesn't see any problems with it neither.

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If you want me to point everything out I will. if you see nothing wrong with it, there is clearly something wrong with both of you lolz. I am not just hating im being serious. It's not like you need my permission do what you want.

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Yes please point out the mistakes, or fix them since you can edit. Saying we made mistakes in something that is about 1000 words doesn't help with anything since 3 people did not see it and only you did.

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I just got 2 more members to proof read and we are cleaning it up ASAP. I'm also gonna add pokemon day as lots of people enjoy this (including me)

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THANK YOU ERO. This makes me love you even though you totally told me off earlier :) should probably re-close this :D.

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