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Thedoctor007 - Counter-strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:

James Bond

Steam ID:



So, I got banned way back and I tried to protest it, but I never got unbanned. I know I shouldn't deserve a second chance but honestly I wouldn't make any of the mistakes that I made before. I had been playing on the jailbreak server for a long time before I got banned and I was devastated when it happened. I just want another go at it. You know, the good old times of missing 2 periods of school pretending to be sick just to play some jailbreak. So just please think about it.

-James Bond

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Sorry, I haven't posted on a forum in a while, I was banned for freekilling two people on jailbreak.

Two people? If it was only two, then it shouldn't be a permanent server ban. Are you sure it was only two?

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From what I can tell, you probably freekilled two people and then left. I don't know why he'd think it would be a perm server ban, but regardless. It's nearly been two years. Unbanning him from the server. #Closed

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