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Xg: Cao #pouter

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xG: Cao #pouter

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He is just continuously accusing me of hacking and saying I am bad. It's really annoying and would like if you would ban or mute him every once in a while. Thanks


-Dr. PizzaGhost:)

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I don't think he'll get banned for anything like calling you 'bad' or mentioning that you're hacking. For future reference, some evidence would be great (such as screenshots of the chat, or possibly a demo) when posting a Member Protest/Ban Request/Report Abuse thread.


With all that said, if you are being harassed on the Servers, your best option is to notify the Staff who are online and they'll most likely help out. Make sure to provide as much information as you can (such as what they are saying to you, how it offends you, etc). But unless anyone knows if the offending player has a forum account, I doubt Staff will be able to warn him/her to cease and desist.


However, do note that if it's something insignificant as being called 'bad' or the occasional "you suck", your complaint will most likely go unheeded. Simply because it is not enough to be considered harassment unless they were spamming or saying serious threats. Remember that this is the online world, and it is full of people who purposely say things to get a kick out of your anger. I would strongly suggest ignoring that player all-together (you can do this by muting them in Options) if you cannot handle general harassment.


- Dat guy, Forest :coffee:

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I'll just go ahead and move this into ban request, as what you're accusing this player of isn't really worthy of a removal of membership. However, you have absolutely no proof of anything you're accusing this player of doing as well. If you can provide adequate proof/evidence (screencaps of chat, demos, etc.) within the next few hours, then I can keep this thread open. If you don't, I'll have to close the thread due to a complete lack of any proof whatsoever.

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Alright, I see nothing that would even be worthy of a gag here. If you have any serious complaints feel free to make a serious thread or contact a staff member with actual proof.



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