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Shakern - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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Well I went on vacation and when I got back I was just banned so I asked kbras to unban me and he said I had to ban appeal. But I looked at who banned me and it was him and I didn't break any rules so I asked why did you ban me he said he didn't know. Well thanks for your time I hope to see you in game :D

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"Breaking Server Rules" is the ban reason. Doesn't get much more general than that. What could have warranted a permanent ban from what I can gather may be mass freekilling and evading ban, advertising, or haxoring/scripting/etc, but I'm not an avid TF2 Division player so I'm not 100% sure on what warrants what over there. @kbraszzz

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It's Grelden. Both Steam ID links (which is wrong btw) lead to the same place with the same name in the link (the one you signed up with).

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