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Colourblaze said "Read the MOTD and I'll quiz you, if you get enough right, I'll vouch up" Yet DakutePanda said exactly "QUIZ ME QUICKLY. I DIDNT READ THE MOTD VERY WELL, I READ IT FAST" How? How is that someone we want in xG, He is to LAZY to read the MOTD properly and know our RULES instead of just begging for vouches and lying about everything.

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Why Do You Capatilize Every Word In Your Sentence.


Lol Roxxor this instantly made me like you. +1 from me, sure he made mistakes in the past but he got a LOT better and now seems fine..

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You were too lazy to even put down the correct hours you had...furthermore, you ARE spamming people for vouches. My vouch remains at -1.


If he reapplys and doesn't do the crap he did now, I'll accept it.


I really don't care about the tag thing anymore. My vouch stays at -1, but for a different reason.

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-1, wow I don't want our clan to look like this. Apparently he's a 12 year old with a bad reputation, is very immature, and likes to break rules.

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Yet he quized me and i past yea thought so... Just stfu fat ***


No, just no. You're obviously being rejected, you have proven yourself an immature **** and do not deserve to join the ranks of this clan if you're going to talk down to others.

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Yet he quized me and i past yea thought so... Just stfu fat ***


Son, I don't know if you're too young to know anything about a job interview, but suffice it to say you never throwout insults to people you want to impress. You are on wrong terms calling an xG member a fatass and telling them to stfu as an applicant. You clearly have no sense of class, judging from basically everything you've done these past couple of days, and you're annoying as hell.


I wouldn't vouch this guy even if there was no clan tag issue, or if this wasn't his second application on another account, or if he didn't spam multiple members for vouches, or if he wasn't a freekiller, or if he wasn't rude to established xG members, or if he wasn't super young and still lying about his age anyway. As it stands? This is the probably the least eligible person for admission into this clan that I have seen yet. He needs to wait approximately two years before he worries about joining any online community, let alone this one. Trust me kid, I was as old as you once, and I definitely would not want to be joining online clans at that age.


Don't take all of this personally, though; in about three or four years you'll be old enough to look back at this and laugh along with us, and you'll probably be glad that you never got into the clan and made a further fool of yourself.


-1, extremely unrecommended

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On the bright side? I think you would fit in well over at NO3. Just saying, not advertising.

Or Hellsgamers. Just saying, not advertising.


P.S. Peechis your HLXstats picture is still linked.

We moved to GameME so you'll have to redo it.

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Rex, Sometime's when they try to post, it doesnt load the he click's submit gain then the first one post's then the Last one he Click would post too. soooooooo yEEeeee

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