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I never told you to rejoin. Rejoining our servers to ungag/mute your self results in ban.

The only reason you were gagged in the first place was because you kept saying I was a boy, along with a few others. I asked you all too stop, confirming I am a female, having consequences if you didn't. Everyone stopped, but you. You instigated. You were gagged. You rejoined. You were banned.

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I understand Hachi's point, but Kart's? What did I do? Rancho Relaxo. I just rancho relaxo-ed at spawn and he apparently hated that. Also, I wasn't giving you 'sass', or whatever you guys call it. But still, I wasn't holding up the round for just taunting.

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le -1 (i dont think he has chances anyways) but a couple days ago on deathrun i was reminding people not to spam death or exploit and he asked me if i was member and i said yes and i wasnt wearing tags atm so he began to lecture me about how i dont know the rules. also idk if this counts as impersonating but he said he used to be in the clan and he left because the admins/mods were douches. p.s. im dinglehopper ^-^

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