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Can someone gift me a Bugatti Veyron?

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I really hope people don't start making threads just asking for free **** from people. Just because Quarantine got something from someone, doesn't mean that you're always gonna get what you want.

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can someone gift me every game that ever existed? my brother has it on his account but im too lazy to just take 10 seconds of my time to log in to his account and play all the games that ever existed, so if anyone has millions of dollars in their paypal, i would like u to gift me every game that ever existed plox

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I've actually wanted gmod since I joined xG, so Quar didn't start ****, I was going to ask before but I never got the chance.

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Go look out side your house, you will see a big semi truck. Open that semi truck, you will find it's empty but a piece of paper. On that paper it will have a combanation to a standard Master Lock, lock. You will drive that semi truck to your nearest harbor and once you get there, open the glove department and you will find a permit to enter the harbor's storage facitlity. After you have been granted access to enter, take your first right, then the second left, and stop halfway down the isle. There should be a giant red shipping container, with said paid lock on it. Use the combination found in the truck to open the lock. Inside you will find a Buggati Veryon Super Sport. But now the real challenge is to get it out of there... MUHAHAHAHA

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It's not like he's going to be able to push it back out and into the truck to cart it away. Even with the gear ratio having a low holding force, there is no way he'll get it to roll. And there definitely is no way that it's going to start. Even if it did, there would be too much power in just a tap on the gas to stop it inside the container. This is one expensive trick.

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You should have just driven the tires bald and given it to him. The fastest 15 minutes of your life, and one of the most expensive sets of tires he'll ever need changed. Only $40,000 US for a new set.


Also, aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2011_07_75.jpg.786d71bbd62691e87d9e48cbbd0cd613.jpg

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They're made out of Kevlar, but still only last 15 minutes at 250 mph. They would melt if you slammed on the brakes going that fast.

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They do. There is a video of it somewhere online. The car is ridiculous. It is already in the gear behind and ahead of the one you're in, before you shift. I'd love to drive one, but it would suck to wreck it. I'd have to live like a developing nation for the rest of my life.

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