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Should Vector Be Unbanned?

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Edit: Not to dredge up past threads, but I spent like the past hour composing this proposal and wanted to put my thoughts in, but the thread JUST got locked before I could post it. If a decision has already been reached, whatever. Just wanted to voice my opinion. Lock this thread also if you deem it necessary.



Alright, so based on the comments in this thread, it seems that many are in favor of a server ban, but divided on a forum or TeamSpeak ban. Apparently most of my thoughts have been voiced already, but I'll put my two cents in anyway. Just hear me out before you downvote my opinion.


Many have threatened to leave if Vector is unbanned. Geez guys, do you really think that will make any difference? (I think @Chrono @xGShadowSpy @Brian @diabeetus know what I'm talking about.) I know most of you have a stake in this community or you've been burned by Vector before, but if you really care about xG then you'll stick it out regardless of who gets banned or unbanned. Personally, I think an unban of this caliber will show who the *real* Xenogamers are, but I'd rather not start that firestorm at the moment.


I've played on the Pokemon Trade Server on and off for about 2 years, basically since I started playing TF2. Vector has been a butthole for quite a while, but he was still a great admin. He didn't cut corners or play favorites -- if you broke the rules he would mete out punishment accordingly. (Sure, he'd be a dick about it, but it's not like most of those guys didn't have it coming.) So even though he acted like a little turd sometimes after he was demoted, it's not like he's a paragon of evil. Geez.


We all know that his behavior been tolerated for too long. He should have some kind of punishment. But a universal permban out of the blue isn't the way to do it (@Dethman @Flareon @Waimalu). I know Vector's history and I've seen his current behavior, and despite all the crap I think he deserves another shot. I think @Forest has a great proposal and I'm behind it 100%. I also agree with @Chrono and @Moosty in that 1) we need to go through the proper ban procedure (i.e. get evidence BEFORE we ban him) and 2) he needs time to cool off before we give him another shot.


That said, and bearing @Forest's suggestion in mind, I have two (maybe three) proposals in mind. Both of these have been posted in one form or another already, but I'll add them anyway for convenience and clarity.

  • The first is that we just unban him. No, I'm being serious. In this case, the staff will monitor his behavior closely, and the rest of us will treat him with respect. Don't incite him or make him lash out, but don't tiptoe around him or treat him like a pariah. Just be cool about it. If he starts something that is in fact ban-worthy, we submit it as evidence in an official player report and he's gone for good. Simple as that.

  • The second proposal may be an easier pill to swallow for everyone involved. Treat this situation as we do an ex-member who is reapplying for membership. (A good recent example is @Vaporeon's application. Check out @metalslug53's post here: Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2 | Page 2 | Xeno Gamers) Give him a month to cool off, then unban him on the forums and let him submit a ban protest.

  • The third proposal is kind of a combination of the two. He remains banned, but his sentence is shortened to a month. Once that time is up, he is unbanned on TeamSpeak and on the forums -- on "parole", so to speak. He can submit a ban protest or whatever, I don't really care. If he shows positive social improvement, we'll consider his ban protest and make a decision whether or not to unban him on the servers. Again, he's got only one shot at this, but we give him a legitimate chance to show improvement (see proposal #1). This whole process is kinda like "rehab" for him. If he makes us regret our decision, he gets thrown back in the can. He might shape up if he knows he's got a life sentence facing him if he doesn't.

Personally, I like the third option. I just throw all these out there for you all to consider. If you have a better alternative or want to tweak one of my proposals, I'm all ears. I just think a permban simply based on past offenses isn't right. Think about it. In any justice system in real life, do we take reformed criminals and toss them back into jail just because they committed a crime a decade or two ago? No. Do we convict suspects based only on eyewitness accounts or public opinion? No. I think the same logic should be applied here.


Hope you guys make the right decision.



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