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Jrulez8 - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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Hello to any staff member who may be reading this ban protest. Today, (July 5th, 2015), I was muted, gagged, unmuted, and then banned on one of the trade servers on Team Fortress 2. Normally, I would not go through the trouble to make a ban appeal, but I quite enjoy this server and have played for almost 2 years. Many people on the server like me, including admins and mods. The reason I was banned was apparently for "disrespect" but I don't believe I was being disrespectful at all. A player on the server (Detective Parks) was being very annoying and was mic spamming. Since no mods were on, we started a vote to mute him, and once that passed he began to spam and complain in chat. We started a vote to ban him, and then he got one of the mods (Demonic Disaster) on. She came on and immediately greeted the server very rudely and "demanded" to know what was going on or there would be consequences. Similar to how a mother bear would protect her cubs, if you will. I asked very politely if she could stop with the tone and I would explain to her the situation to which she snapped back, "I don't need to listen to you. Explain what happened or you will be muted." I told her about what Parks was doing, and after that she was still being insanely rude. I asked her to give me respect and she did not, to which I reminded her that the server has a rule to respect all players, mod or not. She muted me right when I said that, and since the server likes me, they began to "riot" in chat. A lot of them were changing their names to things like "Unmute Cena 2015" or "FREE CENA" She told everyone to change their names back and when I typed in chat "They're just saying what they want." I was gagged. After a while, she finally unmuted me thanks to the high demand from the players, but it didnt stop there. When i asked her why she had disrespected me, she was quiet, and suddenly 2 other mods got on. I was muted once again, and when I changed my name to "UnmuteJohnCenaPart2" I was banned for a week. I would greatly appreciate if everyone could put this behind them, and if i was unbanned. Thank you for taking your time to read this.


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You disrespected me and I had to gag and mute you.

Plus you said you had an alt that you were going to log onto, which is avoiding a ban.

I asked you the first time what happened, and you didn't tell me until a couple seconds later.

After that, you threatened me saying that you would get me demoted. I don't play favorites, so if someone else was doing it, they would get the same treatment.

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"Detective kill yourself irl"


"I hope detective parks walks home one day and finds his parents dead........................................?"


Extend to perm.


@kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Moosty @Rejects @metalslug53


I don't know what the other bans are, but I'd suggest @Flareon should shed some light on the bans if they were similar at all. Calling @Diamonde a "Feminazi mod" or whatever seriously isn't acceptable. This is one of the worst sexism cases I've ever seen.

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I also have what he said to me in steam chat, if that is any help.

It's mostly him insulting me.

Yeah, give that as well. Screenshots are obviously preferred but based on what this guy has been saying I'll believe any copy/paste at this point.

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JOHNNNN CENA: Hello fellow memer

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: The reason you are banned is for disrespect.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: I didn't ban you though.

JOHNNNN CENA: But you're missing the point

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: The point was that you were disrepecting staff.

JOHNNNN CENA: There was no disrespect going on besides towards Detective, and if you think that's disrespect you should've seen what he said before

JOHNNNN CENA: I only disrespected someone who was disrespecting the entire server

JOHNNNN CENA: I didnt disrespect any other admin after my mute

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: What you said to me was unnessary.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: You were in the chat.

JOHNNNN CENA: No i was Gagged

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: And muted

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Well it's only a day ban and I can't unban you becuase I lack those powers and I didn't ban you.

JOHNNNN CENA: Can you tell any other admin to unban me


[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Only DL's and DM's can unban

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: and the others are offline

JOHNNNN CENA: Okay well is it alright if i were to get on an alt account to get on lol

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Well thats not for me to encourage or decide.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: So what I'm saying is no. Sorry.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: If you would like to make a ban protest, go to our site.

JOHNNNN CENA: Ok ill get on my alt, thank you :)

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: You do know we could ban you from that one too, right?

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: If we catch you doing that?

JOHNNNN CENA: Yeah but how would you know its me

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: I'm serious.

JOHNNNN CENA: It could be anyone

JOHNNNN CENA: Ok and i can get you demoted for being INSANELY disrespectful to me

JOHNNNN CENA: I have the recording of it

JOHNNNN CENA: And trust me

JOHNNNN CENA: I know higher up members of xG

JOHNNNN CENA: I've played since Halloween of 2013.

JOHNNNN CENA: They know me

JOHNNNN CENA: I can get you demoted as easy as i can get banned

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: I didn't do anything wrong.

JOHNNNN CENA: No, you did do something wrong.

JOHNNNN CENA: You gave me and other members of the server large amounts of attitude and disrespect

JOHNNNN CENA: You took sides with someone because he donated to get a roll.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Actually, no.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: No he didn't.

JOHNNNN CENA: I have the video evidence of it.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: He came and told me what happened.

JOHNNNN CENA: So don't think for a second that i won't turn that in if i'm gonna be banned lol

JOHNNNN CENA: Because he wants a higher roll cuz he's a pathetic prepubescent

JOHNNNN CENA: we muted him for said reason

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: And I muted you for a reason.

JOHNNNN CENA: Because i disrespected you, and you were disrespecting me.

JOHNNNN CENA: It's one sided just because you think you're hot shit for having a title on a server, Sorry. That's what it is. That's what everyone agrees.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Actually, you're wrong. You were disrepectful from what I witnessed.

JOHNNNN CENA: No, I'm not wrong. Everyone completely agreed with me that was on that server.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: My point being, you were disrepectful so you got banned. Simple.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: I didn't ban you so yeah.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Thats that.

JOHNNNN CENA: Who banned me?

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: You can find out.

JOHNNNN CENA: No, I'd like to know

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: It was one of the mods.

JOHNNNN CENA: Which is who?

JOHNNNN CENA: You have no right to deny me what I want to know. It's your "Job" remember?

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: I'm not denying. You're trying to threaten us.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: You just told me that "I can get you demoted."

JOHNNNN CENA: I'm not trying to threaten anyone. Not even an "us"

JOHNNNN CENA: it's you.


JOHNNNN CENA: disrespected the players

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: So you're trying to black mail me, right?

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Seems like it right now.

JOHNNNN CENA: My ban isn't 1 day, it's 1 week, and unless someone gets onto that, I will publis

JOHNNNN CENA: Are you a fucking idiot?

JOHNNNN CENA: It's not called black mailing you daft fuck.

JOHNNNN CENA: It's called I have evidence that can have your position on a server taken off.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Excuse you.

JOHNNNN CENA: Thats that

JOHNNNN CENA: No, excuse you.


JOHNNNN CENA: met someone as ignorant as you.

JOHNNNN CENA: It is incredible.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Lol mmk

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Thats you're opinion and you're entitled to it.

JOHNNNN CENA: I will be publishing that video if my ban doesn't get lessened to a week after my appeal. You will get demoted for sure, considering the heads know who I am

JOHNNNN CENA: Point proven, considering you cant even use the proper form of your

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Of my?

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Go on.


JOHNNNN CENA: Of the word "your"

JOHNNNN CENA: Jesus christ.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: You have to talk to the one who banned you.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: There were only 3 mods on the server.

JOHNNNN CENA: Tell me which one banned me and I will be able to talk to them.

JOHNNNN CENA: Red eevee, yes?

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Use process of elimination.

JOHNNNN CENA: Tell her to add me back.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: He.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Not she.

JOHNNNN CENA: I really dont care.

JOHNNNN CENA: Acting like a woman, i'm going to address him as a woman.

JOHNNNN CENA: It really blows when there's such a great server with admins that're practically nazis.

JOHNNNN CENA: Besides the select few that I've known for 2 years and have actually maintained a good rep.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Well we have to do our job.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: If you don't like it, oh well.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Not my fault.

JOHNNNN CENA: It's not a job for the last time

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: And you have to add him.

JOHNNNN CENA: A job is something that contributes to society and you get paid for doing.

JOHNNNN CENA: You have a roll

JOHNNNN CENA: Not a job.

JOHNNNN CENA: You don't get paid to be a cunt in a game.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Actually, have you heard of involuntary work?

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Thats a job.

JOHNNNN CENA: No, it's called involuntary work.

JOHNNNN CENA: That's not a job


[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Btw, you have to add him back.

JOHNNNN CENA: you are not hot shit for having a title.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: I can't make him add you.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Lol never said I was

JOHNNNN CENA: Act a lot like it.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Same to you since you think you're John Cena.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: lol

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Anyway, you said what you had to say to me.

JOHNNNN CENA: I don't think i'm john cena lol it's called a "Steam USER name" for a reason

JOHNNNN CENA: You really are that fucking stupid.

[xG:M] Demonic Disaster: Goodbye now ^^

JOHNNNN CENA: Incredible.

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