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Alright so in this thread, let's discuss similarities between our varying games. I'll try to post up one topic like this every month and leave it up for some positive input.


So to start it off, this is about similarities, specifically similar champions/heroes/gods and abilities/playstyles.


for example:

Caitlyn's ultimate is basically shared with Sniper from DotA, except a little nerfed in the range department. and she plays fairly similar to him as well.


Nova and Evelynn's passive is shared with Riki (phantom assassin)'s ultimate which gives him permanent stealth until broken by attacking/revealing abilities except she appears when she gets too close to enemy champions unlike him who can just run circles around you as long as you have no stealth detection, but they both play similar roles in that they try to skirt around and find that pick off or gank kill to push an advantage in the metagame of turrets for wherever they land the kill.


If you're interested in trying out one of the other games, but aren't sure on what you should play, post who/what you currently like playing in your game (dota league hots smite) and others might be able to find you somebody similar to try out.

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The only ones I can compare through any degree of experience are DotA 2 and LoL. My thoughts, in no particular order:

  • Pudge is basically Blitzcrank with an ultimate like Cho'Gath's Feast
  • Ashe is basically Drow Ranger with an ultimate like Mirana's Sacred Arrow
  • Spectre is basically Nocturne with Zed's Living Shadow and an ultimate like Azir's Emperor's Divide
  • Kassadin is basically the AP equivalent of Anti-Mage
  • Enchantress is basically human Nidalee with crowd control
  • Corki is basically Gyrocopter with bombs and a Gatling gun instead of rockets and an air strike
  • Amumu's ultimate is basically a nerfed version of Tidehunter's ultimate
  • Brand's ultimate is basically a nerfed version of Lich's ultimate

I like League more than DotA. Overall, League has a wider selection of items and champions, and while some characters might be railroaded into a single role (Amumu jungle, etc.), combat isn't as abrupt and there is more emphasis on abilities since they become more effective based on your AD/AP/HP/whatever.


I play top, mid and support. I recently tried out Sona support (since she was F2P last week) and I'm totally getting her when I get enough IP. Champs below:

  • Top: Garen, Darius, Teemo
  • Mid: Kennen, Ahri, Ryze
  • Support: Soraka, Blitzcrank, Zilean

If I get screwed into another role in solo queue:

  • Jungle: Amumu
  • ADC: Ashe

I like champions that can be used in multiple roles. Garen and Darius are obviously railroaded into top lane, but the others can be used successfully in at least two of my chosen roles.

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