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Call me Sherlock Holmes...

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Because we're about to go apeshit on this case.


HERE IS THE PROBLEM. On the twenty-first of July, in the year two-thousand eleven in the year of our Lord, I was performing some post-rigorous-fapping JailBreak, upon the stage of VIPIntheMix. Thither, between some jolly good sport of FR/LR and some pantie-wetting excitement of Simon Doth Speak Thusly, I happened upon a CHAMBER OF UNKNOWABLE SECRETS!


Using a Daguerreotype, I "photo-graphized" this abominable chamber of miserable secrets. The result can be found a short jaunt away from this very web page, at the following e-location: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542900342902979940/13EDF2981991B609E7312A60CC6A2BA3744907FC/


Go ahead and journey henceforth. I shall wait for your return before I continue. You done? Good.


The most immediate problem that an individual faces with this strange anteroom progenitored by the Devil Himself is that there is no entrance. Now you don't have to be a ****ing PhD in All That Ridiculous and Complicated Architectural ******** to realize that the very point of a room is that it has entrances so that it may be perused by its clientele at their leisure. You may actually possess that PhD, in which case good job you are the King of Minds, but that is besides the point and stop bragging already.


So, gentlemen, our task is this. We must, as a collective of the most brilliant individuals who have ever lived, find our way into this room, and then seek out its hidden meaning and purpose. Once this has been successfully and aptly gleaned, we shall sacrifice a virgin to the Blood God of Fury and Madness (this is a CSS clan so we should not be in short supply), and consecrate this forsaken place of rebounding darkness as a throne for our victory over the world.


Long Live the One Who Has Not Lived, and may we solve this mystery so that he may keep our souls intact.

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