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Swiftdreams - Counter-strike

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In-Game Name:

SwiftDreams ☁

Steam ID:


Ban Type:

Team Ban


Sorry for making a team ban right after my server ban.


As you may know i was Ct banned for "MASS" on jailbreak and that was a couple of months ago


Well, first i just a to tell a terrible reason of why i massed freekill

Well i was bored and didn't give a crap so i started going on JB servers i have listed under history and started mass freekilling on them and i really didn't regret it back then.

Now that im 13 and somethings changed about me well im more mature and i no longer mass freekill or freekill period intentionally and if i do by accident i will slay and team swap if i have to...


So pretty much im saying i want to be Unctbanned because i guess i changed and i want a 2nd chance or 50th chance because i have no memory of what i did on this server before..


If you can see past that thank you if you can't well i tried at least and also if you consider it if i mass freekill again i will allow a bigger punishment to come.. And will accept it and will know why i did it.


Again, Thanks for taking your time reading this ban appeal and have a WONDERFUL DAYY!

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Personally I would wait at least a week or two of being active before asking for a unban from CT after just getting unbanned from a perm server ban. Let the members + staff see that you are a player that is worth unbanning. My 2 cents

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No. Wait until you've been on the server for at least a week or two - the mass was obviously intentional (aka you were there to kill people, not because you were new)


If you get any more chances, it'll be after you prove that you deserve them.


If you're desperate, however... Want To Get Unbanned?



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