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Forcing Blue To Read Motd.

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I'm making this thread to get ideas about ways to make players read the motd before getting onto blue. I've seen far too many bans that just consist of new players joining the server and either glitching onto blue or using the command and not knowing the rules/freekilling. I just want to get ideas for a fix, I dont think it will be fixed in a day but it helps to get ideas for it. My idea is once a blue is brought over to the blue team from the queue then it could force the motd to open. I know someone could close it but that would give someone a chance who doesnt know the rules but wants to play correctly to read them. Any ideas, I would love to get other opinions.

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Your idea is okay, but they really should read the rules before even being moved over to Blu. The player (like you said) could just have the MOTD pop-up and the player would just close it.


Maybe if we can set the MOTD to have a timer before the player has the ability to close it, then that would probably work. I'm not too sure if that is possible though.

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When I was new to xG I had a hard time navigating, and finding the rules was NOT easy. When I was new I would of really appreciated the rules coming to me as apposed to having to treasure hunt. Personally based on my own experience I think this is a wonderful idea +1

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Im Quite New to XG although i used to play on the servers 3 or 2 years ago on my other account, and now that im back into it i can see alot of rules have changed and been added, so having an motd show up on blue team when u join would be really helpful for Newbs.:coffee:

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this is an idea page, so im aware what i said was a long shot but I would like to hear other peoples ideas. The point of this thread was trying to find an easier way to get people to read the rules. When people join the server there is nothing telling them the rule. It gives players an add and then drops them into the game. So i get that they should type !motd and read the rule, but if staff members(or just members) are the only way new players can get the rules isn't a great idea and why i think so many people get banned for just being unaware of rules that you need special knowledge to get to.

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So, I remember suggesting something like this last year for the same reason, and let's be honest, 99% of the people dont read the motd, I've seen people that are regulars for months and fun to play with, and yet break several (minor) rules over and over, why? because the motd window itself takes time to load, and it usually get mistaken to be just an ad or "message of the day" but not the rules, just you press space twice and that's it, and even if you go through it, it's tl:dr for someone being on the server and wanting to play..

So, what I suggest, and think it would be a good idea, is to fix the queue for joining guard, yesterday, I was on jb1 late night with @Thunder , and we came to a point where that are 5 guards and 6 reds, we kept asking people to read the rules and switch back to red team, but we couldnt do much and the server died quickly after that.


We should make it clear that glitching to ct is breaking a MAJOR rule, I remember that in vsh, we had that Box with 5 or 6 lines, that shows up on the left at the start of each round, reminding people of the major rules, we should do the same for Jb1,it sticks there and it's more efficient that "!motd to read the rules" message on screen, it should be something likes this :


Major rules of the server,!motd to read more :

As Blu

1- Type !guard to join Blu, glitching will be punished

2- Make sure you know all the rules and have a good mic

3- Do not re-enter armory

4- Do not run away during a warday, during a normal day, stay with the reds unless you're pursuing a rebel

5- Freehitting and freekilling is not acceptable, team killing will get you slain

6- Make sure you take warden and give orders before the cells are open


As Red

Delaying, detouring, camping etc ...

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Also, this is a code I found for the motd, it force opens the motd even if the player has html motd disabled, and got a timer, if someone can tweak it would be great ;


>#include <sourcemod>

#define FORCED_MOTD_URL "http://www.sourcemod.net/"

new bool:g_bFirstMOTDShown[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { false, ... };
new g_fLastTime[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { 0, ... };

Cmd_None = 0,
public OnPluginStart()
HookUserMessage(GetUserMessageId("VGUIMenu"), OnVGUIMenu, true);
AddCommandListener(OnMOTDClose, "closed_htmlpage");

public Action:OnVGUIMenu(UserMsg:msg_id, Handle:bf, const players[], playersNum, bool:reliable, bool:init)
if (!g_bFirstMOTDShown[players[0]])
decl String:szBuffer[64];
BfReadString(bf, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
if (strcmp(szBuffer, "info") == 0)
BfReadString(bf, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
BfReadString(bf, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
//Detect TF2 Welcome screen.
if (strcmp(szBuffer, "#TF_Welcome") == 0)
g_bFirstMOTDShown[players[0]] = true;
g_fLastTime[players[0]] = GetTime();
CreateTimer(0.1, OnVGUIMenuTimer, players[0], TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:OnVGUIMenuTimer(Handle:timer, any:client)

stock OpenForcedMOTD(const client)
new Handle:hKv = CreateKeyValues("motd");
KvSetString(hKv, "title", "ForcedMOTD");
KvSetNum(hKv, "type", MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL);
KvSetString(hKv, "msg", FORCED_MOTD_URL);
KvSetNum(hKv, "cmd", Cmd_ClosedHTMLPage);
//Uncomment the line below if TF2 and you want fullscreen.
//KvSetNum(hKv, "customsvr", 1);
ShowVGUIPanel(client, "info", hKv);

public Action:OnMOTDClose(client, const String:command[], argc)
if (GetTime() - g_fLastTime[client] < 15)
return Plugin_Continue;

public OnClientDisconnect_Post(client)
g_bFirstMOTDShown[client] = false;
g_fLastTime[client] = 0;

Edited by Rhododendron (see edit history)

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