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Colour's Goodbye

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I hate to agree with him, but he's right.

This clan is (now) sh*t, and it's not going to improve any time soon.


Silence has recently added a ton of new stuff to the servers. Our minigames server is keeping a steady population now. We might be getting a new box soon, just for kicks. We just recently added a TF2 division. This clan's growing a lot, and it's getting better all the time.


Now, you'll be like, "No, the people are ****!" but I want you to tell me all the people you've seriously given a chance in the clan. Usually when you post you're talking to the same handful of people, and that handful is getting smaller. The members haven't changed -- your friendgroup has. Now, if you don't want to spend the time to get to know the new people in the clan, that's all well-and-good, by all means sir. You have no obligation to try and socialize with people. However, you can't tell me that the people are **** -- there's plenty of fantastic members that have joined semi-recently (King J, Zehdari, and SnowyHW, just to roll off a few examples). That's stupid, it's ignorant, and it's disrespectful to people that really don't deserve it.


You've made the decision not to give them the time of day, to write them off, and to proclaim that they weren't worth getting to know in the first place. THAT is why you do not enjoy xG, and unless your modus operandi changes, and THAT is why you will only enjoy any other community you join in the future for a brief time before you decide that it's golden age has ended and you want out. To reiterate something I said in a separate thread, people come, people go, and if you focus more on the people going than the people coming, you're going to spend your time with the glass half empty.


It's filled with complete idiots and children.


First of all, unless you're in your twenties, throwing around the word "children" is just typical high school lower-than-me-is-bad arbitrary nonsense. We're all in our teens here, and we have perfectly fine members who are young (Otherworldly is a good example). It's really silly to me to be throwing age-related invectives to people only a few years younger than you are, and also slightly hypocritical.


Second of all, for every idiot you name I can provide you two great people in this clan. Sure, some of it may be matter of opinion, but I guarantee you that you are no better than half of the people here. Get off your high horse and stop holding your nose as you look down at us lowly peons. The large majority of this clan is just as interesting and fun to talk to as you are. Honestly, if you would deign to mingle with us mortals, I'd think you'd find that many of us are worth knowing -- unfortunately, you've decided to scoff and laugh and ridicule everybody else instead. Which is, by the way, a great social skill.


I'm not denying you that there are ridiculous people in this clan. Individuals like DuckiiJr, CharcoPandaKid, and MajorB always make me chuckle when they post. There ARE annoying individuals in this clan, but the thing is, there are annoying people in every community, you just learn to ignore them so you can enjoy the non-annoying people in the community. If you spend all your time looking at rock, you'll never see the ore.



the "new" ranking system obviously failed


This is a valid point, and I would like to see it fixed. There should be a set number of moderators and admins, not some exponentially-growing number of members who have been in the clan for more than two months. However, I fail to see how this niggling concern ruins the clan experience as a whole.


Rules aren't being properly in-forced,

people continue to disrespect, break the rules, and troll.


Yes, well, by shouting at how terrible everybody here is and labeling the members of xG a bunch of idiots and children, you've really done your part in counteracting the negativity.


Believe it or not, the people who start drama about drama end up causing drama, and the people who hate people for hating people end up hating people. It's all very ironic.


(also, you f*cking tards' need to

learn what a troll is. If someone insults you, that's NOT a troll. lurk moar you summer fags)


As a 420channer, this is the part where I belittle you for being a 4channer and feel a smug sense of superiority due to the fact that you visit a different image board than I do.


But seriously dude, "summer fags" is only used by 2009+ users of the site, who are desperately trying to defer the noobishness of themselves onto other people. It's a stupid term and you should stop using it.


yet, no one does anything about it. (brian is one of the few people who actually tries to improve the clan and attempt to organize it.).


Brian also sets up meaningless secret councils with like five random non-administrators to decide the fate of the clan. That's not organizing, that's just wasting time.


Anyway, I've yet to see you try to rally the cause, sir, so you can't really sit back and complain how nobody's doing anything when you yourself are not doing anything. It's like driving to a "Go Green!" charity fund in your Humvee.


In other words, Vero, I'm sure you're a nice guy and all and it's sad to see you go, but I really think you need to stop blaming the clan and start blaming yourself for the fact that you don't feel like you belong anymore.

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your writing skills are excellent dysprosium, but i think it is better to keep things short.

maybe it's just me. don't take it seriously.please. just saying. yes. juuust saying.peace.

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I know some people are intimidated by my long posts, but I'm a quick typer and they really aren't all that much trouble to write. It's hardly the impassioned speech that its length would portend it to be.

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Brian also sets up meaningless secret councils with like five random non-administrators to decide the fate of the clan. That's not organizing, that's just wasting time.


Yeah, right.....


I had spoken with people about 2 weeks prior. Besides, silence said we could have a council, and he said it could stay. Thanks for the first impression.

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Vero just got his *** kicked

Silence has recently added a ton of new stuff to the servers. Our minigames server is keeping a steady population now. We might be getting a new box soon, just for kicks. We just recently added a TF2 division. This clan's growing a lot, and it's getting better all the time.


Now, you'll be like, "No, the people are ****!" but I want you to tell me all the people you've seriously given a chance in the clan. Usually when you post you're talking to the same handful of people, and that handful is getting smaller. The members haven't changed -- your friendgroup has. Now, if you don't want to spend the time to get to know the new people in the clan, that's all well-and-good, by all means sir. You have no obligation to try and socialize with people. However, you can't tell me that the people are **** -- there's plenty of fantastic members that have joined semi-recently (King J, Zehdari, and SnowyHW, just to roll off a few examples). That's stupid, it's ignorant, and it's disrespectful to people that really don't deserve it.


You've made the decision not to give them the time of day, to write them off, and to proclaim that they weren't worth getting to know in the first place. THAT is why you do not enjoy xG, and unless your modus operandi changes, and THAT is why you will only enjoy any other community you join in the future for a brief time before you decide that it's golden age has ended and you want out. To reiterate something I said in a separate thread, people come, people go, and if you focus more on the people going than the people coming, you're going to spend your time with the glass half empty.




First of all, unless you're in your twenties, throwing around the word "children" is just typical high school lower-than-me-is-bad arbitrary nonsense. We're all in our teens here, and we have perfectly fine members who are young (Otherworldly is a good example). It's really silly to me to be throwing age-related invectives to people only a few years younger than you are, and also slightly hypocritical.


Second of all, for every idiot you name I can provide you two great people in this clan. Sure, some of it may be matter of opinion, but I guarantee you that you are no better than half of the people here. Get off your high horse and stop holding your nose as you look down at us lowly peons. The large majority of this clan is just as interesting and fun to talk to as you are. Honestly, if you would deign to mingle with us mortals, I'd think you'd find that many of us are worth knowing -- unfortunately, you've decided to scoff and laugh and ridicule everybody else instead. Which is, by the way, a great social skill.


I'm not denying you that there are ridiculous people in this clan. Individuals like DuckiiJr, CharcoPandaKid, and MajorB always make me chuckle when they post. There ARE annoying individuals in this clan, but the thing is, there are annoying people in every community, you just learn to ignore them so you can enjoy the non-annoying people in the community. If you spend all your time looking at rock, you'll never see the ore.





This is a valid point, and I would like to see it fixed. There should be a set number of moderators and admins, not some exponentially-growing number of members who have been in the clan for more than two months. However, I fail to see how this niggling concern ruins the clan experience as a whole.




Yes, well, by shouting at how terrible everybody here is and labeling the members of xG a bunch of idiots and children, you've really done your part in counteracting the negativity.


Believe it or not, the people who start drama about drama end up causing drama, and the people who hate people for hating people end up hating people. It's all very ironic.




As a 420channer, this is the part where I belittle you for being a 4channer and feel a smug sense of superiority due to the fact that you visit a different image board than I do.


But seriously dude, "summer fags" is only used by 2009+ users of the site, who are desperately trying to defer the noobishness of themselves onto other people. It's a stupid term and you should stop using it.




Brian also sets up meaningless secret councils with like five random non-administrators to decide the fate of the clan. That's not organizing, that's just wasting time.


Anyway, I've yet to see you try to rally the cause, sir, so you can't really sit back and complain how nobody's doing anything when you yourself are not doing anything. It's like driving to a "Go Green!" charity fund in your Humvee.


In other words, Vero, I'm sure you're a nice guy and all and it's sad to see you go, but I really think you need to stop blaming the clan and start blaming yourself for the fact that you don't feel like you belong anymore.

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I know some people are intimidated by my long posts, but I'm a quick typer and they really aren't all that much trouble to write. It's hardly the impassioned speech that its length would portend it to be.


blame myself for what? within the first week I was promoted, rule breaking activity went down at least a good %50.

I then started not caring about the community, why? because it felt like I was the only one who did anything

to even attempt to improve this place (sure there was others, but very very few of them). I also asked to be demoted, why do you ask? because I went insanely inactive and didn't care. I wasn't ashamed to admit that - and i felt someone else obviously deserved my position more then i did. so i stepped down.

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blame myself for what? within the first week I was promoted, rule breaking activity went down at least a good %50.

I then started not caring about the community, why? because it felt like I was the only one who did anything

to even attempt to improve this place (sure there was others, but very very few of them). I also asked to be demoted, why do you ask? because I went insanely inactive and didn't care. I wasn't ashamed to admit that - and i felt someone else obviously deserved my position more then i did. so i stepped down.


I don't mind you resigning your position. I never said that. In fact, I respect that decision a great deal. I don't mind you leaving. I'd leave a community too if I didn't feel like I fit in anymore. What I DO mind is you bashing xG for being terrible and full of idiotic children simply because you haven't taken the time to be active and get to know them.


If you had simply said, "Hey guys, it's been fun, but my time here is done, peace," then my post would have said "Bye Vero, rock on wherever you go!" However, you decided to bash and belittle the clan on your way out, and that's what I objected to.

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I don't mind you resigning your position. I never said that. In fact, I respect that decision a great deal. I don't mind you leaving. I'd leave a community too if I didn't feel like I fit in anymore. What I DO mind is you bashing xG for being terrible and full of idiotic children simply because you haven't taken the time to be active and get to know them.


If you had simply said, "Hey guys, it's been fun, but my time here is done, peace," then my post would have said "Bye Vero, rock on wherever you go!" However, you decided to bash and belittle the clan on your way out, and that's what I objected to.


Indeed, I did. I would've said it earlier and stayed, but I would've been banned for "trolling" because this community

clearly doesn't know what it is. I simply don't care if i were to get punished for what i said, so why not express it when I leave?


(also if you haven't noticed, Duckii Jr, a very young member of xG, is still posting idiotic obvious/irrelevant posts)


I've been here for a while, so I know my around and I certainly know what goes on and who each member is.

I'm not referring to EVERY younger member, there are some who are mature, and can act way above their age.

But the majority? hell no. so as time passed on, I started to grow extremely tired of the majority. and come on,

you're on the forums quite a bit, a good decent amount - so, how many times have you seen someone make a post

or thread that has very very poor grammar or spelling? If someone at least attempts to spell something correctly,

I wouldn't mind - but when it's like "sum1 who talks liek dis" it forces me to assume some xG members are idiots.

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