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No son

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Did yall think you could mess with my family's ding dong Dooping Beans? Well my family's Dooping Beans have been in my family for generations and generations. It started when my great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick. They had just arrived in Port Dingaling that had a fascination with Dooping Beans. These beans were the greatest of the land that no other bean could match. My great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick decided to start a Dooping Bean farm by Dooping their ding dong normal beans to make their dooping beans and they said "My my these are some fine ass Dooping Beans. Best in the land actually!" Now son you think you can mess with their ding dong Dooping Bean recipe? Well I'll tell you what kid ya got another thing coming. No sir-e you can't get out of this without punishment son. These fricking Dooping Beans are the best in the land and can't be tampered with I'll tell you that.

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