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YeEternalTuna last won the day on July 14 2019

YeEternalTuna had the most liked content!


About YeEternalTuna

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  1. y'all can @ me next time 😔😳😳

  2. drink water

  3. guys the satanic bible is free to download on google y'all should read it

  4. Can we remove every weapon from the server and only keep stock? As a matter of fact, just remove every single weapon. It's really unfair having to go up against anything that can kill me as it brings me great frustration.
  5. So what are y'all doing for the fourth of July?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tatost


      killing the retards that were setting off fireworks last night before the 4th of july even fucking started.

    3. Roy


      Playing R6S with my friends in platinum and eat burgers 🍔.

      How is your Fourth of July going @YeEternalTuna?

    4. YeEternalTuna


      It was pretty epic. I got to light up a crap ton of fireworks and I burnt the tip of my thumb with the sparks while doing so.

  6. Holy fucking shit how many times do I have to tell you to DRINK YOUR GOD DAMN WATER GAMER!!! 

    1. Bumpy


      you are not my mom 😠

    2. YeEternalTuna


      well starting today, I AM!!! DRINK UP CHILD!!

    3. Dannypicacho


      tuna's piss is yellow!!!

  7. Guys, I cannot stress this enough but you MUST drink your recommended daily amounts of water!!! It's important to keep yourself hydrated everyday!!


    1. Tatost
    2. Egossi


      Yeah shut the fuck up

    3. LeaveMyComputerOn


      You should listen, I went a week without drinking anything but pop, beer, and slush when I went to cuba, turns out you need to drink water and oh boy, I had to take a week off to "settle my nausea".

  8. Fun fact: it takes about 3-5 days for one to die of dehydration, and it isn't a fun process! Make sure you drink water everyday gamers!!

  9. just popped in to remind yall to drink your daily amount of water