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Jailbreak Opinionated Game.

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Mkay guys, right now ill just make a thread for all the opinionated game that was accepted so than we don't have any confusion :D!, I don't remember all the game but yeh...If im forgetting some just list it, Also if you have a Opinionated Game that you wanna suggest, Post the game name and the rules to the game!


-Piranhas pool ( don't remember sadface.)

T's will go on a diving Board, while there is Piranhas(Ct's) are in the pool. T's will jump of the diving board and try to make it across the Pool without dying from The Piranhas that are trying to kill them. Piranhas are to only Left click.


-Pokemon Day

The warden will do Trivia to decide the T's Pokemon Master, And the Warden will be the pokemon master for the Ct's team. Both master will than choose a pokemon from there team that will knife it.


-Odd one out (i think? )

3 t's will form a triangle and face away from eachother. The warden will than say GO, The t's than will turn and face 1 T. The T that is being looked at by the other 2 will than die.

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-Piranhas pool ( don't remember sadface.)

T's will go on a diving Board, while there is Piranhas(Ct's) are in the pool. T's will jump of the diving board and try to make it across the Pool without dying from The Piranhas that are trying to kill them. Piranhas are to only Left click.


Now what would be the punishment if the cts RIGHT click?

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how about "whos the worst admin and why should they be demoted?" sounds good, anyone else?


This one sounds really awesome actually i can finally express how admins constantly adrim aboose :D

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Can we please get fish in the barrel back its a fun game and a easy way to get rid of ts if another ct sprays a clip inside the "barrel" he/she will be slayed?

and only a m4 can be used for this game please reply if you think that this is a good idea thanks!!!

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no thats stupid. pirahna pool is a contradiction of the rules. its no different than duck hunt cause the ts cant fight back or whatever. besides its to difficult to tell whether they left clicked when there are a lot of people and the ts always rebel cause the game always ends in the t always dying or they rebel killing all the cts in the pool. try not to get knifed to death in a pool while you cant fight back just swim across. if your going to bring that game in the bring fish in a barrel and duck hunt back since its the same principle.

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