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I think that to become CT you have to be in xG or you can't. I'm not just saying this for the heck of it I have some reasons to consider. It will make the games for T's more fun because members generally have more experience. Less freekill and bans because most members know the rules. Overall i just think this would make jailbreak more enjoyable but that's just me. This is just a suggestion.

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well if we were to do this don't you think the ratio would be like... Badly off? as you can see we usually have around 30+ during the day even a full server , but not as much xG members in the game and it would cause alot more troubles. Also, just because they are member doesn't really mean they have more experience. Some people may have alot of experience while playing in other servers and can be a good ct.

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How about an extension that uses human psychology to read a players voice and see if they are in distress, too young, or unable to speak english. Send me ~$1000 dollars and I assure we can get something like this! Ehh this would break the freedom there is on our servers so I really don't think this would be a good idea but if we get a full member list linked to a database then this would be completely possible :D. Maybe in a few months but this isn't a top priority for us.

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