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Bring hldj back!!

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o_O. No time limit no restrictions? that would cause total chaos in jb. Anyways... Playing the same sound repeatedly gets really annoying, it may be funny at first but it gets old and annoying

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o_O. No time limit no restrictions? that would cause total chaos in jb. Anyways... Playing the same sound repeatedly gets really annoying, it may be funny at first but it gets old and annoying
selby,me,and quarantine are the only real hldj users and we're all going back to school soon and wont be able to spam a hell lot,But if your really feeling that the:</3 your breaking my balls. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3530/3991567252_3731cb01ed.jpg

think about bringing fun back to jailbreak.Scratch that i dont play the same sounds over and over i have 70 sounds and i play creatively(:

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well... back than when there were alot of hldj player , it was really annoying since they played music and sounds constantly.

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Rexx you made me laugh my *** off sooooo much with your funny noises or quotes on HLDJ, but everyone else who used it would constantly spam things like **** YOU from tourettes guy which was annoying after the 4th time

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Back in 2005ish I ran a cs surf server that had the clearest microphone transmissions ever, I mean someone could play a song and it'll sound like you just heard it from your own comp. All I did was tweak some settings and set a higher bandwidth allocation for mic usage. All in all everyone liked it because it never sounded like **** and I made a custom mod so when each player talks they are assigned a key, and if lets say Bob is talking on the mic and he is assigned the number 1 key all the player would have to do is press 1 and he'd be muted for a minute and so on.

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