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Im starting school on thursday

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Im like ****ing scared... imma be in 9th grade so first year of highschool D: and like crap :( idk im just like nervous D: eeeek umm but yeah uh i heard that u get so much homework that u dont even have time to play or anything... so :/ agh idk

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You'll be fine. My brother is starting highschool too. Just be chill and ****. Nothing bad is going to happen. It's just school, but now with more developed sluts. Probably more drugs too. Nothing to worry about.

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eh yep nothing to be afraid of.. just do your homework first :D, take breaks and play some games. Im starting this tuesday so yep!

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Im starting next weeki was a freashie last year ,yes i got picked on,yes i got jumped every now and then,BUT guesss what? thats just cuz im not well liked at school.But im sure your popular and you'll be fine :D

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well, When i started highschool, my first friends were the bullys. Now if anybody DARE to ****ing insult me, I kick his *** and then put him in a trashcan.

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my brother is starting high school too lol ... and i am going to make him cry :D hahaha


And DuckiiJr dont worry high school is awesome *-*



Note: I am senior *-*

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u know how the seniors usually pick on the freshmen and stuff? when i went to highschool as a freshman, no one ****ed with me and i mean no one, i was 6 mother****ing 7 and ppl just walked by without saying anything, it made me feel *maniacal laughter* as everyone else got snowjobbed and ****. trust me though, high school is gonna be fun, just stay positive, meet wee-mons (women) and make as many friends as possible, also, try to befriend some of the older ppl or get some advice from them, hopefully they wont act like total dicks to u and might actually help u out there. is good life experience, enjoy duckiijr

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In this thread: tons of people acting like they were "badasses" that no one messed with during school. Hah.


Let me give you a tip, from an experienced under-goer of the common activity referred to as school: don't be annoying.


Let me expand on this more- While growing up, humans often go through a process called puberty. It's basically when a boy turns into a man, a girl turns into a woman. Not only do their bodies mature, but also their minds. This causes conflict inside schools because freshman are mostly still going through puberty, and sophomores-seniors are done/VERY close to being done with puberty. In their eyes, you are very immature. If you act immature, it will only increase their dislike for you and the general freshman population.


Overall- try to be mature, don't constantly talk to them unless you REALLY consider them your friend...(just because one of them is in your class, and you sit next to them, doesn't mean they like your company at any other time during school---this is a problem I constantly struggle with. I try to be nice to freshmen but my god they can't get hints)


Goodluck; may you cross paths with a glorious mistress that adores spending leisure time grooming your mustache and slow-roasting pork to your liking.

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Here's a tip:

Make friends and have fun.

The objective of High School is to experience new things and pleasures such as new friends, new teachers, and a new lifestyle. After going to High School, things are certainly going to change for you. Not only will your voice go deeper (I hope) your sexual glands will have increasing activity due to curiosity of the opposite sex.

Also, play safe kids, wear a condom. We already have enough children in Africa.

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school ftw? its not to hard if u studeh :3, the only problem is depending on your teacher or class your going to have piles of hw ! lol, alrdy 3rd day of school and i got alot of hw for some reason. All of my teachers are awesome exept math... hes boring

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