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Colleges n' stuff

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ITT: We post our college plans or ideas or what you've done/ are doing


1. Graduate High School in June 2012, get scholorships for community service

2. Commute to HCC for 2 years, study psych and socio

3. Live in a NH college, maybe Keane or Plymouth, Masters in adult pysch and an undergrad in socio or child pysch

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going into second yr university in september

studying criminology atm, majoring it basically, maybe minor in history if my place offers it

gonna go for federal student workplace program and try to get into border services (airport security basically)

make money to help pay for tuition and bills

if all goes well, ill get offered a full time job at border services and get my degree and diploma before then and be able to help out a lot more for bills and stuff

maybe if im interested, i might later go into policing if i dont get the border services job (full time), and maybe try again when i get experience as a cop, canadian cops are paid well here, 80k plus benefits, and its govt so job security is pretty much assured

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So far at college ive:


Got a 3.0 GPA with it slowly on the rise


My alcohol tolerance has gone WAY up


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


May or may not have a STD (Its up for debate)


Still fuck girls ^


And Im going to graduate

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Already in my second year of college going for a major in radio broadcasting & photography. Used to be film but the program sucked here

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  1. Get Valedictorian (**** easy where I live >.>)
  2. Get awesome scholarship.
  3. Major/Minor in Philosophy, Computer Engineering OR get the right classes to become a commissioned officer of the US Army
  4. 4 years pass
  5. I'm either working in some sort of philosophical job, working at a popular computer technology company, or I'll be commanding some maggots.

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