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Before I start this, this is my personal feelings. If you don't like it, gtfo. I'm not going to be nice about this, but i'm not going to be a about it either. Once again, this is MY PERSONAL FEELINGS. I'm not going to tell you you can't, but I'm going to ask to not say "This is a stupid reason" or anything like that. This is how I personally feel and I have the right to make my own decisions.


I started playing on the xG servers in early January. I was at first a random named "Darkx89x". After I soon started playing regularly, I renamed to "Herpes Derpes." I was soon a regular known by people like trollface, blueberry3, and ruffles. Ruffles told me how to join xG and I was going to join. If I had joined then I would have been one of the first to join xG, back when 10-20 or so people were a lot. But I got grounded, and ended up joining in early March. From then, I played frequently and was known by almost everyone in the servers, and started posting in the forums. I remember when Ero was just a member, and so on. In June, Ero was a co leader, and he had noticed me. I became a mod. From there, I was in a little 'group' per say. The group consisted of me: Me, Colour, Vero, High Plains, and Cpt. Jack Sparrow. These guys were my closest friends in the clan. Colour was a mod, and when I became mod Vero became an admin. From there, these two taught me and transformed me into the mod I am today. They taught me how to handle things, and so on. In July, I had become an admin. From there, I took my responsibility to the next level. I tried to find good eligible mods, I tried to help with bad mods, I taught new mods how to use their powers wisely, I tried to help with situations on the forums, etc. When Aegean left and caused that massiveness of people to leave, we talked in chat and he had tried to convince me to leave. Instead I remained loyal to the clan and stayed through this hard time of everyone leaving. I played almost everyday, and went on the forums A LOT. I was/am an active member of this community and am a figurehead.



When Ero and Aegean became div leaders, I wanted to become one. I tried to work hard for it, by being very active, trying to be one of the best admins I could possibly be. I was told they were deciding div leaders on this promotions. I was almost sure me and Serb would get it. Instead, Billy Mays and Serbian got it. Goon was demoted. I stayed the same. I would've been okay if only Serbian got it, but... instead him and billy mays got it. I am in no way trying to insult billy, he is an excellen admin. I just personally feel I deserved it more. I had wanted it ever since it was introduced. I asked Aegean why this was, and apparently when asked, a lot of mods and even Silence thought Billy deserved it more. Even though this might be true, I feel like I deserved it more...I don't really know how to explain it. I'm not really mad, I'm just...don't know how to explain it.


I'm not trying to be mean, and I don't really know how to explain how I feel. I'm leaving. I will most likely be back later, I guess you can call this a break. I just need time to cool off. As a matter of fact, this is a break. I will almost 99% come back. I don't expect to ever have xG:A back in name seeing as this leaving. But I just want to say this, because I don't want to stay in here because Im almost sure I'll be a . I NEED a break, and this is it. So yea...

I'm really sorry. I'm sorry if you think this is extreme for the situation, I'm sorry if you feel different than me, but this is how I feel and how I want to take my action. I'm not going to go out with a big "boom", I'm not going to go abuse on the server or massive freekill or anything like that. I probably won't even be on for a while.

I want to have a list of people I'll miss, but truthfully, I will miss everyone and I could not possibly make a list. You are all friends to me, sure some are closer to me than others, BUT everyone who will read this I consider my friend. So yeah. The more I write the more sure I am I'll be back. So I guess I'll just take some time to cool off. I still want to talk to everyone so add me on steam and facebook! If you want my facebook steam message me.

Thank you for reading this, and I really tried to be as calm as possible as I write this. So yea...non dickish replies would be appreciated...


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Herpes, everyone needs a break, just be sure when that breaks over, you come back <3 I will miss you, but i will not say goodbye, because goodbyes are for those who will not return, so i say until we meet again<3

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TLDR: hes taking a break to go on a peaceful journey in the mountains to clear his mind.



I read it: I know how you feel man, ive been here just about as long as you (i think) and i can see where your coming from. Im not gonna talk you into anything since your mind seems pretty much set, but im gonna wish you a good, relaxing break and to come back soon with a clear conscious. IM me on steam or inbox me if you got Q'z and shiyat. Stay Easy nig.

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Now I feel bad for being mad at you when you slayed me the other night :/

I'm getting a sort of depressing nostalgia about all those wonderful voice chats we shared with Sean and David.

Those were the days.

Love ya man, see you around.

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Miss You <3 Promotions are seeming to make a lot of divides now :\


You were one of the best admins/mods out there, hope to see you soon with an xG tag.

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Boo now I feel bad, sad to see you go dude :(


I'm sure a break will do you good man. Thanks for everything you've done for me and this community and hope to see you back soon.

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When Aegean left and caused that massiveness of people to leave, we talked in chat and he had tried to convince me to leave.


Stopping you right there. I made it VERY clear that I left due to personal reasons since I was definitly the longest standing member in the clan next to ducki (at that time but rabid is back now) but didn't get what I deserved even though I had the title of Co-leader. Not gonna embark on that more then that, as everything is fixed, but the only thing I said to you about it, was that you can stay AND work hard in the clan as you are now if you want, but you might not be happy with if you get promoted. Please don't put words in my mouth, other members who left left on their own behalf, and I never once asked a person to leave with me since I said this clan would survive no matter what, and since I wasn't looking for another clan, or starting one, there was no point for me to bring other people to leave with me.


Anyways that aside, you got mod in june, and admin I believe in July. I had mod (this is when i was active on the server about 5-8 hours a day) in January, and then got promoted in like... 3-4 months after that. I understand you might feel that you deserve it more then someone else, but if the higher-ups and fellow members don't see it, you shouldn't feel like you should leave (of cource you can, totally up to you) . One of the reasons I explained was Serbian is very active, and Billy Mays is also on Teamspeak with him all the time, so having 2 division leaders who talk to each other, and don't have problems with each other was by far a great choice for us. Not only that, Billy Mays in my mind is by far one of the best admins on our servers, as he doesn't cause any problems about anything. You might be the same, but as I said, this is how we all saw it.


As I think Kevin said, leaving now just puts you farther away from your goal :/

Anyways, best wishes to your break, I know we all need it at one point or another, I'll be sure to welcome ya back when you come.

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You told me I should leave. I remember that. I didn't put words in your mouth. And like I said, I needed a break, I mean I'm not ragequitting or anything like that, I just want to take a short leave. I realize you might not think it, but I do think I deserved it. But I guess it really doesn't help when I get banned for coming on and saying "Oh i still have admin powers." but I know that wasn't you. So yea.

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