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Words of Wisdom...

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I know...i know...tldr -_- this is just me venting. If you have the composure and mental capacity...read it. It may help with the day to day in life


The voices of all the people calling “Poncher! Poncher. Poncher… PONCHER!!…” They all call me at the same time. They express anger, annoyance, playful arrogance, rage, happiness surprise, vexation, lust. I think of them and i feel all the that they spew every day.


Some people are so numb and scared of life that they lie to themselves and pretend to live life when they are really losing touch with the world, one day at a time. The phrase “Not giving a ” means having a thick skin and blocking all the stabs and shots and screams that get flung at you. It does not means retreating into yourself as I do so many days. It does not mean hide in your own reality and let others know it’s because you don’t care. You’re afraid to care. You may come to believe your own lies to yourself. That will be your downfall. Care. Let others know you care. Don’t let life become a stale cycle of numbness and apathy.


Some people over analyse every ing detail of every ing phrase that people say to them. They immediately jump to the worst possible conclusion. They need to step out of the mire of their own insecurities and stop screaming at the world to love them, raining sulfur on everyone that comes near them in an effort to prevent themselves from being hurt. They need the stop being so self-absorbed that they think of only themselves and how they feel. They need to wake up and realize that there are other people that need them to stop acting like children. For they act like children with knives that run people through and eviscerate them, spilling their mangled and shredded souls onto the cold, lifeless floor that is our world. They do not realize that other people do things because of their own feelings, not because of something that inevitably leads back to that person’s vision of themselves. If someone decides to leave their significant other, it is because they think it is best. It is because they want it for themselves. They know it will hurt you. They know it will cause you suffering. It hurts them unimaginably. However, they want you to suffer now rather than realize far too late that they have been living a lie and think they have wasted their lives. If you are so much a close-minded, mindless, self-absorbed, stupid, inconsiderate piece of to realize that and bear it yourself and take control of your own life, instead of blaming everyone around you for your problems and forcing people to try make you feel better, ruining their lives in the process, then you are not fit to have any sort of relationship with people.


In the end, only you matter. In the end, what you think is best for you will be better for everyone else, even if it’s not what they want most. If the person you want doesn’t want you, it is like trying to rip off a piece of the Sun, ripping open your own chest, and trying to merge it with your soul. You will put out the sun and destroy yourself. What people need is to understand each other instead of trying to find each other’s flaws and judge them and blame them for something. What people need more is to understand themselves, stop being so ing pathetically insecure and do what they think is right for themselves. You must truly believe it is right, however. If your choice is driven by anything other that the feeling of inevitability and pure desire for unmarred happiness, then you will hurt yourself, others around and those who care for you. If you try and blame the ones you hurt instead of fixing yourself and standing strong, you need get yourself the out of your own spotlight and think about someone else for a change. Stop feeling so goddamn sorry for yourself, life yourself up, and help others feel the same good feeling, instead of trying to tear everyone to shreds, or cripple their self esteem by pushing them away when they try and help you because of a show you put on in the first place.


People should not stop being people, they should wake up and look around. Those who really do learn to empathize will realize the harm they have been doing by flying their little self-centered hurricane through people’s lives, and try to make amends. Really, in the end, the only thing that matters is the good idea that there are others, your thought and whole-hearted desire to help them and make them feel the warmth all people should feel when they are together. Instead, people shift their burdens to others and are hit in the face by the fact that the burden is theirs, they must bear it, and they must be strong enough to realize what they really need to do.


Please, friends, understand each other. Do not assume anything beyond what they have told you. Do not push them away and cry because they refuse to talk to you when you suddenly change your mind. Talk amongst each other, open up. Tell each other your feelings, and talk about your thoughts on them. Don’t give me any of that ing about how some things should be left unsaid. If you honestly believe that some things should be kept inside, you. May you die in an unmarked grave, and may the memory of you escape humanity like a cloud of dust. When people say the bitter truth to each other, they often stop there. The reason they do not open up is that they cannot open up all the way. Under the layer of bile which is the feelings of hate and lust and fear and anger, there is the underlying love and uncertainty of it. People love each other, but they are too afraid to admit it because they are afraid others may not feel the same way. Most people today have lost faith in everything, have given up on life, and have resigned to shopping and going through the same routine over and over, every single ing day. The reason we are sentient is to love. There is no other reason. So losing that and hurting others may as well be plunging a hot iron bar through their heart and blaming them for it at the same time. Stop ing. Stop complaining. Stop feeling sorry for yourself - not completely, you need to look out for yourself, but not so much that you are blinded by it. Stop causing others harm just to make yourself feel better. Understand that people you trust and care about do things having to do with you because they want to and think it is best for both of you. The rest of ‘em don’t know you and don’t know what’s best for you, even if that’s your own family. So talk to people, learn them down to the causes of their love and hate and everything in between.


Most importantly, love them. Please, friends, stop fighting, stop hating each other, wake up, stand up, look around at all the people, and feel the warmth of each other’s love. In the end, the things you said and did, your ‘problems’ mean nothing. The have happened already, and talking about them continues them into the present, instead of leaving them by the side of the road like the insignificant trash they are. Talking about them helps, but in the end they must be forgiven. Love and know that you are loved.

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This is amazing, it's sad cuz I try to be nice and understanding but I go in and out of depression and right now I'm just trying to keep going without going completely numb and slowly fading from the world. Poncher, your amazing for seeing all this an I hope personally to get to know u better

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