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  1. trifdign


    The Last Thing I Remember (Homelander series) by Andrew Klavan The Mission by Jason Myers anything else by Jason Myers
  2. Changed my mind, give it to me and Takibo <3
  3. trifdign

    Why we have Rules.

    I'm confused RPGs, are you mad or are you just mad?
  4. Scrim team name: Carried by Takibo Captain: Takibo Trif Billy Unique Skydaddy
  5. Your life is ridiculously hard. Anyone that disagrees is obviously a troll and they don't know what it's like. CLEARLY, AM I RIGHT? DuckiiJr, here's the reality; you're a self-conceited kid. Now hold on, I'm not being an ass. But the truth of the matter is that everything from the point after your dad started beating you is YOUR fault (read this carefully). You had SO many options to set things straight. Seriously, you called the cops, right? What happened when they came? Why didn't you tell them everything? It's not like your dad would have beat the shit out of you right then and there. Telling random people on the internet isn't going to stop your abusive dad. We don't care, and that's just the fucking truth. You're lucky some of us even spend time trying to help you. But clearly help isn't what you want.
  6. trifdign

    Scrim abuse

    Good sir, I have nothing against you. We've had problems before with people ghosting, so for future reference, you need to use SourceTV if you wanna watch me use my chetz. you're the cancer killing society. loljk i'm not jking fag
  7. Hey, fuck off. At least Brock is making an attempt to get better. He got an expensive mouse and he always scrims with us now. You on the other hand just think you're better than everyone else and that you're the best. Here's the truth, you suck at this game and I don't understand why people like you buy this game.
  8. trifdign


    They should call you McFatty instead of McNeo. huehuehue
  9. It's a he? Anyways, not everyone is going to welcome every person they come across. If it's seriously making you insane, go find another community, because I for one am sick of your posts. All you do is complain and you believe that everyone should be nice to each other. Stop acting like a white knight. Woo, I'm nice to everyone. Congratulations, no one gives a shit. By the way; this is me at my nicest. I'm honestly about to flip shit on you next time you pull some dumb shit like this again. I don't comprehend how you manage, the majority of people in this community are ungodly retarded. it goes it goes it goes
  10. YOU SUCK AT COUNTER-STRIKE. I FRAG OVER YOU EVERY SCRIM. KILL YOURSELF KID, YOU DON'T EVEN LIFT. pzpzpzpzpzpzp Only 1800? Get gladiator and then speak scrub shit. LoL is for frenchies. Nigga I've cleared inferno on 3 different level 60s. CoD is shit.
  11. http://scrim.op1.site.nfoservers.com/ Every scrimmage right there. If you don't think that's enough proof, you're stupid. Nearly everyone who scrims daily agrees that you're absolute bullshit sometimes. Explain the multiple bans for hacking on your steam ID. Please, do.