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>Never tell your password to anyone.
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: hey
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: hi
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: are you the owner of xg
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ya
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: so do you know how to set up websites
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ya
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: like.net
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ?
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: like i gotta website psychopathicgamers.net
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: and
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: like would you know how to set that up
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: well first
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you are using an illegal version of vbullein
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im reporting right now
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: secondly
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: google it
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: there are tons of tutorials
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: how am i using an illegal i didnt set it up
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: so you ARE using an illegal version
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: how
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: idk i didnt set it up
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: vbulletin is $300
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: dont steal
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: we payed 300
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: my dad did
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i lied
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: its not $300
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :P
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: yea it was
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: naw he said it was 225 250
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: send me a reciept
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: to prove it
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ?? how do i do thata
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :/ are you twelve? they email you a reciept
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: no im 14 and my dad sets up websites for a living the vbullein or w.e was takin outta his paycheck from his company
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: where does he work?
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: otta my house
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: whats the name of the business
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and show me some websites he made
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: he makes them for people that ask him to make them ok now [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] off [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] get a [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color]ing life
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i might wanna hire him. send me some examples of his work
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: yea ok
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: stfu [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] you
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: he sounds like a nice guy
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: nice kid too
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: we paid for that now get over it that you cant afford that stuff
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: xenogamers.com
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: we CAN afford that stuff
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: lol free bulletin lol i can afford that 2
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: 3:Dylan-USMC:0855e00799c6d0ad64474c514e138033:[email protected]
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you DID torrent it
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: bud
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :/
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ?? what
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what does that mean
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: those are your pw'sd
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: if you owned vbulletin
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i wouldnt be able to do that
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: now fess up
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: to what bro
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ??
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: stealing
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and lying
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and let me hire your dad
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: he dont want you
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: then im calling the police
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: for what??
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ITS A CRIME
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: i think
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: YEHA
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: YEAH
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: YEAH
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: IT IS
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ok how am i
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you didnt buy it
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: its a crime to download it illegally
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: are you dumb/?
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: this is serious!
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ok
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: prove i did it
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: k sec
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ??
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im SO busting you!
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: wtf are you tslking about bro are you high??
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: http://screenshotuploader.com/s/9dwJIIDWc0
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: talking*
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: :P im sending this to the vbi
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: vbi
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ??
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: vbulletin infrastructure
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: have fun cuz that dont prove anything
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: oh yes it does
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: oh look, they repplied back!
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: they are contacting your domain provider
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ohh yaya what ok cool
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i dont care
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: prove i did it [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color]
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ah they sent me ur info
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: good luck winning that one my domain provider my uncle is the ceo
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: N/A
   dylan butler        ([email protected])
   20756 S. river rd.
   Tel. +1.8155141179
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: lol thats not me lol
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: thats my bro
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: dylan is in your name
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and on the website
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: liar!
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: say you lied and ill call off the dogs!
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you have 30 seconds
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: ok look i didnt set up the website. in pg there is this called bobby his dad set it up
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i have no idea im only 14
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i dont know how to do that kinda stuff
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: alright i believe you
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im posting info
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: unless
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: send me a photo of you holding up a piece of paper that says I heart silence
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what does a pic have to do wid anything
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: you have 2 minutes
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: make it fast
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: i dont have a camera??
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: webcame, cellphone
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: dude im only 14
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: cellphone
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: no and no
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: dont got one
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: use a siblings
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: or parents
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: im only child and my parents are sleeping
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: get their phone they wont see
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: its in there room there door is closed they would hear me
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: im posting this [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color] then
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: have fun ^^
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color]??
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: your address
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: passwords
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: theres nothing to prove
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: what adress and what passwords
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: 1 sec let me call my uncle hes an fbi agent 1 sec
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: brb
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: sweet
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: ill tell him you downloaded illegal software
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: and then lied
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: thats like 15 years in prison
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: lmao he told me to tell you to get a life your wasting your time. if you cant prove it then you cant do anything
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: kk i posted the info
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: whooptie [color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color][color=pink]♥[/color]ing do
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: do you have proof i downloaded it??
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: huh
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: huh
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: huh
Owner SSG. Dylan-USMC: no thats what i thought
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: it was on your website registered to you, so even if u didnt put it there, its your fault
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: read the law
[xG] Silence [mUSIC]: LAW


Needless to say, I wasn't getting anywhere so I split and went to youtube to post this:

this is why i hate all you smelly ing niggers and your big lipped, jiggaboo monkey music. get in line and take your place BELOW the pure races of the world. if you have a problem with it call me at 815-514-1179 and i'll teach you dirty niggers the proper order of the world

Totally Original huh?

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