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Remembering 9/11/2001

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Ok since tomorrow is the day we remember when our country of america was attacked by ruthless, hell-bound terrorists. This post is meant to commemorate those whom died on 9/11 to protect what we call freedom. During 9/11 I was in 1st grade all i remember was being taken out of school early and being brought to my grandparents house to go "swimming" while my mother was inside watching the broadcast about the terror attacks, all i remember about the day itself was swimming seeing smoke to the ENE of where I was going inside and seeing my mother visibly upset... My dad went to work at 6am everyday he didn't come home until the next morning 9/12 at 8am. I went over to give him a hug and he was covered in a thick gray dust... He told me not to give him a hug, almost automatically he went upstairs took a shower and went to bed. I found out that my aunt was in the hospital (and she would stay in the hospital for 2 more moths after 9/11) Due to breathing problems. My aunt is a EMT and my dad was a Police Officer. My Aunt as i have found out was pulled out of the north tower just before it collapsed by a firefighter because she passed out due to the smoke, another minute and a half and i wouldn't have a Aunt anymore. My dad was ferrying people from the site to Staten island and other areas where they were taking people to get medical attention. (my dad was on a police boat) He told me that there were people with femurs sticking out of their legs because they were trampled... My aunt told me people were getting hit my other people jumping from the upper floors of the buildings. Why do you ask i am telling you this? Because i want to share my knowledge from two first responders at the world trade center i know. I feel luck to have one as my father and the other as my godmother. I am proud of what they did on that day and i would only share this with you guys because you are like a mini-family to me. Thanks for being friends with me and i hope i grow to like this clan even more. -Zapper5555 Some links that may interest you: 9/11 Memorial Timeline and the current wtc project: One World Trade Center



Also here is something my aunt wrote on her face book: This time of the year comes around and I re-live the experience like it was happening all over again. People still come up to me and say get over it, it's been 10 years now. I will never "get over it" , the dreams and visions will not let me, and for all that worked side by side with me that day.... THANK YOU..... you are all in my heart this time of the year, and I miss you all. Be well, and always remember.

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This was one of my assignments that I turned in?


A Victim for War


Never shall I become a fool, a fool of conflict within my own soul, but persist! So I must carry on my very diligence for a valiant cause. Never shall I forget that experience, with us irrationally supporting the endless endeavor into excellent exploitation among our enduring lives. Never shall I become a victim again, carrying what?s left of strength starring onto the blissful night.


Never shall I forget the heat of battle, the shouts, the screams-never ending as always. Never shall I forget the night before, with cheering and smiles, with maidens and wine, with hopes and victory, with friends and comrades. Never shall I forget the screams of men howling throughout my mind, clashing my very nature. Never shallI forget the burning cross imaging and branded into my vision.


Never shall I forget that conflict, opening my conscience to reality. Never shall I forget the stench of blood spilling into the air dying it dark red with its demonic presence, blinding my sight in the process. Never shall I forget this painful urge in my chest, the feeling of guilt, the same feeling haunting me with the faces of my dead comrades and friends alike.


Never shall I forget that this is war.

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During 9/11 I experienced the more dis-heartening day of my life. I may have been in the second grade when it occurred, but the pain of seeing others in pain, for their lost ones truly was great. I will share my story about how a close friend of mine, had his father's life taken away by the terrorist who crashed a airplane into the World Trade Center.. I was sitting with my friend inside his house waiting with him for his father to call him. The call that he oh so wished that would come, did not come true. At 4:55 am September 12, 2001 Roy Brace was pronounced dead from suffocation and fatal burns to the face, and arms. He was also reported to be on ground level and could have evacuated the building, but instead he ran to the top of the building to save a old lady, and was successful. As they left a woman was crying, her husband was reportedly still in the building. Roy Brace ran 20 flights of stairs, to rescue the man. Unfortunately, the roof collapsed and pinned Roy Brace and he was caught under over 200 pounds of rubble, he managed to utter his last words to the man, in order for his child to hear. The man survived to tell the child. The man who had been rescued, was not harmed what so ever, the man was scared and to weak to run down the stairs, if he had brought up courage to escape the collapsing building. Roy Brace would have not died.

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Very nice story zapper much respect and im happy to hear your aunt and father escaped with minor injuries.


---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------


Btw if anyone has ever heard the phrase "America, let's roll!" i know its origins. A friend of the family worked with a man named Todd Beamer. He was on the plane that crashed in the field. He used his cell phone to call a representative at the airport. after a short conversation, he told the woman to tell his wife and kids he loved them and said "america, let's roll!" he put down the phone and then they rammed down the door to the cockpit. They overpowered the hi-jackers and were able to crash the plane that might have been destined to go into the white house. He saved many lives. R.I.P. Todd Beamer 9/11/01

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I sitll like turtles.

Kevin what the is your problem? This isn't some ing joke. Thousands of our innocent civilians died for some stupid muslim agenda.

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I was in 6th grade, and I was actually serving time in-school suspension. Principle came in and told us and we got to leave the suspension room to go watch it on tv. Doesnt feel like 10 years.

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I think i was to young to remember :/ but r.i.p everyone of you whose life was taken. I saw a video of an astronaut recording the 9/11 attack from space. If ya wanna look that up.

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I was in 4th grade when 9/11 happened, I had no idea what was going on until my mom told me all about it. Sad day in history. RIP to those who died on that tragic day

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